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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by splitbtw

  1. Sharks Sale Pick-ups: Turned the lowers into a shell and the Reebok gloves are mismatched, but without any holes and in great shape so I don't care.
  2. I already know I'll be waiting a bit. Plus, I'm sure people with charge an arm and a leg as well when they first start popping up.
  3. I can't wait until pro stocks of these start popping up. I've been wanting to try an APX but decided to hold off for this guy.
  4. Of course I didn't look at the face-off circles or pay better attention to the wall behind the rink.
  5. At the Kroc? You guys already had playoffs? We still have to wait a couple weeks for the Sunday league there.
  6. Those are stunningly clean and simple.
  7. What kind of curve is that?
  8. I'll be a happy camper if I manage to find a decently priced pair of retro-colored gloves like the ones in the top right corner.
  9. Reebok Ai9 85flex Crosby curve. So far have had three skates with this new toy and I am a big fan. Coming from a TO P88 87flex, and having a preference for Bauer in general, this stick really surprised me in a good way with it's puck feel and how easy it loads when shooting while playing stiffer in passing and stick-handling (uncut). It'll most-likely be replaced with a duplicate whenever it breaks.
  10. Found a 9k girdle and shell practically new at PIAS. I have an X60 girdle, but this was too good to pass up:
  11. New toy. Instead of replacing the broken blade of my two-piece setup (One95 shaft, TO blade), I decided to treat myself to this. Would have gone with the standard color if HM had my flex/pattern, but after seeing the color in person, I'm a much bigger fan of it and am thinking about ordering a second one while supplies last. Total One LE 87 flex/ P88
  12. I will also add that I wanted the standard T1 colors but would have had to order it and I wanted to support my LHS. I do want to spray paint it black but the white is growing on me.
  13. Work offered OT and I wanted a new curve and stick (Bauer T1LE white with the P08). Thank you OT. The comparable curve pictures are for the P91a. *Edited for picture quality*
  14. Not quite in my possession yet. At least until I fly home in 6 weeks or have them shipped to me in SoCal. Mom was kind enough to go pick me up some toys. Next year I will have to find a way to go in person.
  15. Helmet: Reebok 9k w old bauer cage Shoulder pads: Farrell foam ones that I never wear Elbow pads: Jofa 6055 Gloves: Eagle x72 Pants: Bauer X60 girdle with various shells Shin guards: Bauer x40 Skates: Bauer X50 Sticks: NBH One95, Bauer Total One Two Piece/One 95 Two Piece/Vapor Shaft with Dynasty Blade The elbow pads and cage are the next two to be replaced.
  16. What side, how much and where? PM me with the details as I am looking to pick up at least one more.
  17. I need to take a picture but I found a One95 NBH stick in Vegas in one of the curves and flexes I prefer. p91a Staal 87 flex. I've been looking for a One95 in a 77 or 87 flex for so long, it felt nice to pick one of new in what I wanted. Puck feel is incredible. Edit: basically this but RH.
  18. P91a? Good looking tape job and puck wear. How long have you had the helmet? I am a month in and worry the inside will dry out quickly and get hard?
  19. I'd buy this. I only have a balcony without a cover and a storage unit without ventilation. My roommate is already over me leaving my my gear to dry in the kitchen for days on end. A tent to cover the rain and that would suit my balcony perfect. No pics, but in 2012, the new gear gods have been kind between presents from the GF and purchases on my own. I just new need elbows before I have all new gear since starting ice after a 7 year hiatus from roller. . 2012 grabs: X60 girlde X40 shins X60 shaft Dynasty blade (in route) Reebok 7k helmet to pair with my 12 yo cage Farewell shoulders (in route)
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