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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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burr14 last won the day on January 22 2015

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    Calgary, AB
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  1. The curve looks similar to p92. How much different is p28?
  2. Picked up this stick in the summer time but hadn't gotten around to posting it. Kind of a funny/crazy story behind it as well. I came across this girl selling a bunch of used sticks online. She didn't advertise them as professional game used or anything, but in one post she had one listed as a "Used Bauer one95 stick - $40" and she posted a picture that showed a namebar on it (pro stock). The way it was taken only showed the last 4 letters on the name bar "pien". I live in Vancouver and as a huge Canucks fan I knew right away that it was probably a Rick Rypien stick. I'm sure most of you know the story behind Rick Rypien. Beloved scrappy player/fighter who played for Vancouver and who unfortunately battled depression and ended his life just after the 2011 season. So I messaged her right away, luckily I saw it just after she posted it and I was the first one to message her. So I looked up pictures of Rick Rypien in game just to confirm he used a one95, which of course he did late in his career. I wasn't sure if it would be game used or anything but I just thought it would be cool to have either way. So right when I met up with her and saw the stick I could tell right away by the custom tape job that it was game used. So I check it over, looks great, I give her the $40 and go on my way. I get back to my car and I'm still pretty mesmerized by it so I'm looking it over and thats when I noticed that on the blade... it was signed. Couldn't believe my eyes. Definitely the best $40 I've ever spent and now definitely the rarest piece of memorabilia I own.
  3. Haha yeah they brought it out just after 11. Luckily I was right in front as they were bringing out the new stick rack. I had actually arrived at around 9:30 and was expecting to wait till 11, but the guy was like "ahh screw it, we don't want to make you guys wait in the sun for a while so you can just come in now". Literally after only waiting maybe 2 minutes. And yeah it's not exactly the same as a nexus but I believe nexus is based off G3 concept. (Although I'm no expert). As far as I know g3's have custom flex pattern, custom weave and custom blades. Basically custom everything. The Schroeder stick had a one95 blade. It felt great using it and was pretty much brand new. Was yours used or new?
  4. Depends when you went I guess. I managed to get a Schroeder G3 for $100, apx 2 for $160 and pretty much new Synergy Hsx gloves for $75
  5. I managed to snag the other shroeder stick. It's actually a G3 dressed as an NXG, at least mine is. I used it yesterday and it is aweeeeesome. Best $100 I've spent on a stick.
  6. Hey, I'm new here. Don't have much of a collection but I'll show some stuff I picked up from Canucks Equipment sale a few weeks back. Game used Pro Stock Alex Burrows Warrior Widow Game used Pro Stock Reebok 11K, Jannik Hansen curve Used Burrows Gloves Used Malhotra Gloves Pro Stock Maxim Lapierre U+ Crazy Lights I got the Gloves and stick signed by Burrows right after.
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