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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. question for you folks -- i got a new pair of custom trues, went in today to pick them up and get them baked. i wish i had watched this video for how to do this online first (with scott van horne explaining to lace 70% tightness, only the first 4 eyelets, and shrinkwrap the ankles) what happened instead was the guy just told me to grab them and lace them up, so i did, pretty darn close to full tension, all except the top 2 eyelets. no shrink wrap. around minute 10, my left foot started going numb. the guy was nowhere to be found so after the full period (they had me sit for 15 mins, though the video says 20), i took them off, found him and asked about the numbness.. he said skate on them 4 times or so and if its still a problem come back and they can rebake, flare them out, etc. how would you recommend dealing with this? just do as he said? when i go back, should i flare everything out when they're out of the oven, bring shrink wrap, etc.? annoyed that what i did today was not the right way and want to make sure i get to a place where the skates work out. thank you
  2. helmet: bauer hh5000 shoulder pads: bauer supreme 3000, hate them, part of it is they are too big for me. may get a new pair in the coming months elbow: jofa 1442 from 1995 gloves: just ordered bauer 4 roll pro, as old louisville tps were disintegrating pants: ordered eagle px 72s (anyone used these? curious how they are) shins: jofas sg3174 from 1995, love 'em skates: bauer supreme 5000s (looking for some new skates soon, those are from 1997) stick: vapor x20, thing is way too whippy. never had a one piece before, guy at the store convinced me to try something real flexible, it's a 67 flex, not the right stick for me
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