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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About J-Shera

  • Birthday 04/29/1988

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  • Location
    Regina Sask.
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  1. Hey, its one of those rare Blue GT Cobra Bullitts
  2. I was reading a hockey magazine, maybe hockey digest or something like that rating the top players for the draft. I think they ranked him 31st and said hes probably the most skilled player in the draft, but just about anybody can knock him down. Again, I'm not one to judge, i suck.
  3. Those are the most amazing things I have ever seen in my life :D
  4. A high milage engine that will cost an arm and a leg to fix, not exactly the best bang for the buck.
  5. Everythings sweet but the fishbowl.
  6. Dont pick on the meathead, its not fair. He cant keep up.
  7. My beauty' winter ride http://www.mustangmods.com/ims/u/3260/7414/115760.jpg
  8. no you dont, post pictures to prove me wrong.
  9. wow great band, i like it. Im a big QOTSA, Fu manchu and Kyuss fan. so that helps. And whoever mentioned the Constintines, good choice, there great.
  10. City and colour www.myspace.com/dallasgreen Great band, AMAZING vocals. Alexisonfire www.myspace.com/alexisonfire Moneen www.myspace.com/moneen Casey Baker www.myspace.com/caseybakermusic
  11. This is show it off, not tell what you have. Theres allready a thread for that.
  12. I guess with the amazing durability of the xxx-lites you need more then one.
  13. Except isnt this guy like 15? Instead of 30+
  14. Holy spoiled. What does a kid need that many sticks for
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