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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Aalborg, Denmark
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  1. This show from BBC is actually pretty good, Truth about Food, several episodes. Try watching it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClU49zn4GG0 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/humanbody/truthaboutfood/ F'ed up my initial post, so this will have to do.
  2. Is the Dynasty ax1 junior really 57" as stated in the catalog, and can the 3" be cut with no change, like the longer sticks ?? if so, thats a winner! thx
  3. Nice car and as is should be, about the drive, not all that luxury crap. Had this idea for a while aswell, except in a FR layout, even lighter and a 997 GT2 RS engine
  4. Just found a tick bid to my thigh this morning, after a visit to the lake last night. Removed it ok, alive and one piece, only punctured the bladder a bit. Oh goddamn I hate those things and the shit they carry in their system! So f*ckin paranoid, every time this happens, reason why I'm rarely in the woods at summer. arrrgh
  5. Vladimir Krutov died yesterday, played on line with Larianov and Makarov, one of soviet greats. http://en.wikipedia....Vladimir_Krutov
  6. Denmark won against Latvia at worlds, what a relife. Safed our ass from Relegation, if/when Russia defeats Italy.
  7. Got a crosscheck to the cage against the boards at practice, he could not stop, lousy skating skills and he did not keep his stick down. Plus could not explain shit to him as he doesn't speak english, he's from eastern europe, what a fucking moron. Head seems ok as far of concussion symptoms, bit nausea after pratice, still concerned though, pick em up easily, got a bit of whiplash aswell. Public skate in a few hours, will see how I feel afterwards. Rec hockey is not fun, when people can get speed on their skates, but not stop or move :(
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