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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by whbd18

  1. na,im wating untill the other sticks break untill i use the tps sticks,so far i used only 1 xn10 and the spraypainted response,the 2 synergies i got as game used sticks the patterns are the same but i dont know if im ever gonna use them
  2. whats the vapor xx custom,whats the pattern like
  3. mickz-i bring the stealth and rbk to games and practice ,im not a big fan of the vector,its a toe curve like the shanahan retail ,while i use heel curves
  4. im a lefty so when one of the blades break ill sell you a shaft
  5. stiff whip=around 80-85 flex
  6. they are all pro stocks,6 are grip and 2 are retail graphics,they are all heel curves 6 sw flex and 2 xstiff pantherfan:i dont have a stick rack ,but this summer im building a stall in my room and im making a stick rack built into it
  7. yea it was spraypainted,its my version of 2tone paint like the new easton sticks it came out really good
  8. no i was already getting them ,i got them off of marcelo for relle cheap
  9. here are all my sticks,and none are for sale!
  10. You play for the blue devils? My uncle used to be rink manager up in west haven. My dad played for the westies back in the day, where he grew up. yea
  11. my new rbk 8k helmet w/ HS team decals 1) http://img223.echo.cx/my.php?image=dsc00011fy.jpg 2) http://img223.echo.cx/my.php?image=dsc00027ep.jpg 3) http://img223.echo.cx/my.php?image=dsc00038lz.jpg
  12. those where just regular color my lhs had like 5 of them for a while ,they also had yellow and purple
  13. http://img43.echo.cx/my.php?image=dsc00079ox.jpg This is just some of equipment,im still waiting on my Rbk Helmet,Rbk Shoulder pads,Rbk elbow pads..I have 3 more yellow responses,2 more silver synergies,1 more xn10,by next month i will have my stealth grip replacement,and 5 more xn10s
  14. are these the skates you are talking about http://www.greatskate.com/acb/showdetl.cfm...15526&CATID=152
  15. the whip is an itermediate flex with a senoir shaft..it is made for those who like whippy stick but are to big for intermediate sticks,and they both use senior blades
  16. use a box cutter blade but make sure you do it very slightly so you dont ruin your shaft
  17. those all white skates sound pretty sick
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