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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by whbd18

  1. Those skates are sweet and to add to that that are probably swiss grafs too.
  2. So you mean Intrigue=Genesis ? no its a euro only genesis, i dont know what he means by saying its an intrigue Hmmmm lets see, well, one the shaft it says Intrigue maybe? No mention of genesis on them over here...... Two totally different sticks.That stick was a Genesis not an intrigue.It says Genesis right on it.
  3. The Synergy II is redesigned like an SL(Thin shaft shape).And the blades are different. And they have always come with a wooden plug,maybe composite now.
  4. Bauer sticks are longer to compensate for no endplug and come with the plastic cap at the end.What makes you think this year will be any different,that they would add wood plugs to their sticks.Even if they added plugs they would be composite.
  5. So any authorized shop can order Custom Color Vapor XX? That being said Im thinking about getting some. Just in case someone is interested and wants to be in the order if I do get them: Option 111 Royal/White or 112 Royal/Silver 87 or 102 Flex LH P106 Gange
  6. Its not the curve its the player.You have to have good hands.
  7. JR,hows the performance on the flyweights?I love the graphics on them.Next time I find one on ebay Im most likely going to buy it.
  8. Im pretty sure its a Genesis OPS which is an Euro Only thing.
  9. I found the Silver Synergy in my garage, ita Hal Gill(Bruins) pro stock and the Gold one is a pro stock shaft that I gave to my friend last year and he just gave it back to me.Best sticks ever made.
  10. Got some new twigs and broke some of my old twigs.
  11. $95 on eBay.I cant wait to get it.
  12. New Twig added to my collection. http://i11.ebayimg.com/03/i/06/29/3a/0f_1.JPG Pro Stock RBK 7k Stiff/45 KP Drury/YP
  13. TPS intermediate has always been 65.Whip is 75 Senior.Intermediate uses Senior Blades.Mission is the only brand that uses Junior blades for Intermediates.
  14. How much were the Torpedoes?Are they OPS or Shafts? Ive been looking for them for a while.
  15. Please tell me you made him buy you a new one.
  16. As soon as the blade cools the curve will stay. Are you heating it with a heat gun, flame or steam? I use my stove top.A heat Gun is fine though.
  17. As soon as the blade cools the curve will stay.
  18. The picture was shortened thats why it looks small.
  19. He did buy me 6 XN10s for $400 and that was my only birthday present. I got Synergys a year and a half ago(I had to Pay $250 towards them),then I got Vapor 10s of here for $90(Didnt fit),and I just got RBK 9K Pumps for Xmas(The only present from my dad). wish my parents would buy me all my gear, i hav to buy pants gloves sticks skates helmet, elbows and shins r covered My parents dont buy me all my gear,as of right now my mom or dad are not going to pay for another piece of hockey equipment for me.
  20. Why would you get a Tapered shaft with a standard blade?
  21. Its nice and all,but the top chips just like the sL blade.I used mine once and it is already chipped slightly at the top and has a dent in the forehand of the blade. I would of rather got an R2 blade but the LHS didnt have any,Luckily I didnt have to pay a cent for the blade.
  22. UPDATE: 4 new twigs : FREE 1 RBK 6K Tapered Shaft w/Forsberg Synergy II Blade,Nike Apollo OPS PM9,Hal Gill Pro Stock Synergy(Kariya Pro) Paid 1 RBK 4K Mid Flex Shaft 1 Reebok 1K MS Blue RBlade
  23. I guess the RBK Rep got them for the shop,I was told they were not to be sold,but I was able to get one. In late March they put them on the selves for sale.I wish I got a couple more two months ago since they are sold out now. They got a bunch of pro return KOho and CCM wood blades two weeks ago for $5.I guess they have an in with the THC Rep.
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