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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Helmet - Bauer 5100 Visor - Tron Shoulder pads - CCM Crazy Light U+ Elbows - Jofa 8k Gloves - Warrior AX1 Pants - CCM Crazy Light U+ Shins - RBK/Jofa 6k Skates - Bauer Nexus 1000 Sticks - 3 x True A5.2 (85 flex, HCS curve) Updates in bold.
  2. Just got back from the holidays in Edmonton. The choice and prices available blew my mind compared to getting kit in the UK. Helmet - Bauer 5100 Visor - Tron Shoulder pads - CCM Crazy Light U+ Elbows - Jofa 8k Gloves - Warrior AX1 Pants - CCM Crazy Light U+ Shins - RBK/Jofa 6k Skates - CCM RBZ100 w/ CCM footbeds Sticks - 2 x ABHS AB5 80 flex (1 x grip, 1 x matte) Updates in bold.
  3. Helmet - Bauer 5100 Visor - Tron Shoulder pads - CCM Crazy Light U+ Elbows - Jofa 8k Gloves - Warrior Remix Pants - Tackla EX-PP55 Shins - RBK/Jofa 6k Skates - CCM RBZ100 Sticks - 2 x ABHS AB5 80 flex (1 x grip, 1 x matte) Updates in bold. Kind of concerned by how much gut is exposed by the new shoulders.
  4. Helmet: Bauer 5100 Visor - Tron Shoulder pads - Frankenpads (Farrells with Sherwood Classic caps stitched on) Elbows - Jofa 8k Gloves - Warrior Remix Pants - Tackla EX-PP55 Shins - RBK/Jofa 6k Skates - CCM RBZ100 Sticks - Mission Fuel TI (Hossa), Warrior Dolomite Spyne (Draper) Updates in bold.
  5. Helmet: Easton S9 Visor - Tron Shoulder pads - Frankenpads (Farrells with Sherwood Classic caps stitched on) Elbows - Jofa 8k Gloves - Warrior Remix Pants - Tackla EX-PP55 Shins - Mission Fuel 110 Skates - Bauer TotalOnes Sticks - Mission Fuel TI (Hossa), Warrior Dolomite Spyne (Draper)
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