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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Acichetti25

  • Birthday 12/04/1995


  • Skates
    Bauer vapor x60
  • Hockey Bag
    Custom highschool issue
  • Shin Pads
    Warrior Bonafita
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer pro series
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Pro series
  • Pants
    Easton s19
  • Helmet
    Bauer 7500
  • Gloves
    Bauer 4 roll pro
  • Stick
    Easton stealth RS

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Collecting sticks, trying out new products, skating each day I can, playing highschool and future juniors
  • Location
    Agawam Massachusetts
  • Gender

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  1. Springfield falcons AHL equiptment sale according to their twitter page (my home town of Springfield mass.) is saturday the 28th at 8am to 1pm in the bird day room 45 falcons way in springfield
  2. writing reviews for the 20+ sticks i own... should be fun!

  3. Acichetti25

    Bauer TotalOne

    Bauer Total One Flex: 87 retail (cut down about an inch to a 90ish flex) Curve: P88 kane lie 6, open face, mid curve, round toe. grip: corner tactical spiral, giving it the candy cane feel Time of use: Since october of 2010(original release date) Aesthetics: The total one was truely an eye catcher.i ordered mine custom off of bauer.com so it was black and orange(to match my highschool) and it was really a great looking stick. almost looked like the total ones that the flyers use. 10/10 Weight and balance: rediculously light, but i felt that it was a bit heavier toward the blade. it wasnt noticibly heavy but it weighs about 433 grams, about 10 grams less than my easton rs that is my main stick i use 10/10 Blade: certainly a very tough and sturdy blade, it mainly has a very scratches, no noticible chips in it. it is a super light blade but regardless, it makes the stickhandling feel a bit faster than my rs. 9/10 Shaft/Flex: this is the best part of the stick.it fits right into the palm of my glove perfectly. it is a square shaft but it has the spiral grip on the side so it feels like there is grip, but makess it easy to slide your hands up and down the shaft. the 87 flex is a great flex but i wish they had retail 82 flex available like they do on bauer's website. 9/10 Stickhandling & Passing: like i mentioned above it is certainly a very light stick so the stickhandling comes natural. the blade receives passes perfect, easy to make those beautiful saucer passes clear across the rink 9/10 Shooting: I have an absolute laser of a shot with this stick. The mid kick point makes the stick really nice to shoot with, and the puck just seems to fit perfectly into the corners of the net, wrist shots come beyond easy. 10/10 Durability: After owning this stick for over a year now there are no major marks on the stick that are noticible. It has been stepped on, slashed beyond belief and really put through the everyday wear and tear of hockey but nothing seems to show. possibly one of the sturdiest and most durable sticks ive used. 10/10 Conclusion: this stick makes shooting a breeze, sends those saucer passes clear across the net, and stays durable against all slashes. if money is no issue and your looking for a top of the line stick that is lightweight this is the stick for you. i would give the total one a 9/10 overall
  4. EASTON STEALTH RS~ -SPECIFICS Time of use: since the products october 2011 release(skating atleast 5-6 days a week, 2 hours a day, not counting games and pond hockey outside) Blade: p7 iginla curve Shaft: Non Grip matte finish with the occasional candy cane tape job from time to time in practice(switching it up sometimes, never seem to be able to get used to it though) flex: 85 flex, cut about 1" down to a 87-90 flex Intangibles:The RS is a very slick looking stick. its not too flashy, and has the look to make everybody envy you out on the ice. certainly shows off a bit of class on the rick with the solid black on black graphics.the looks earn it a 9/10 Durability/Construction: the rs is Kevlar wrapped, which gives it added durability on the the stick, making it stiffer on the inside part of the shaft(depending on your handed-ness).Its compression molded, by using thinner layers of material Easton is able to use more layers, allowing them to stay lively and fresh feeling longer.They used a higher-end carbon fiber construction for an extremely lighter feel. I'd give it an 8/10 Stickhandling: This is where i feel that easton has done a tremendous job with their products. the stealth rs is truely an incredible stick, it stick handles so well because it is so light. it feels as if your holding a pipe cleaner and is the lightest stick in my opinion. making those toe drags and deking inbetween your skates takes less than a second because of the immediate release with this stick. It is certainly worthy of atleast a solid 7/10 receiving passes: if you give it a little give and recieve the pass its easily going to stay on the stick. i feel that the stick is a little bit more blade heavy so there is a bit stiffer feeling in the blade. i personally like the stiffer blade feel because i tend to make harder passes and recieve hard passes from my teammates and the blade has held up great. one of the best parts of the stick, giving it a 8.5/10 Shooting: This is where the stealth part comes into play.Every time i shoot with the rs i feel that the puck just seems to "pop" right off the blade. no matter how long you have had this stick in use it will always keep that new stick feeling with the popping release. this truely is "the shooters" stick. wherever you look and aim the puck, if you take your shot the right way and the release is how it should be you will put the puck behind the goalie 10 out of 10 times. i could take 50 shots (aim top right like i prefer to on a net) and 48 of them would be perfect top right, the other 2 would hit the post from the pin-point accuracy on this stick. you will light the lamp every time when going 1 on 1 with the goaltender. the best part of the stick, giving it a 9/10 Weight and balance: this is where the blade becomes a big part in this stick like i mentioned above. it is so light, that its noticibly blade heavy. the shaft weighs around 450-470 grams(depending if you cut it) so its one of the lightest sticks on the market. rediculously light, earning an 8/10 Conclusion: I already own one of these fabulous sticks thought up by easton, but if i didnt, after reading all these reviews i would certainly make it my goal to go out and buy one if i wanted to be able to shoot and play like a pro. the easton RS is the best stick ive used yet and makes me wish i had more than one. hands down the best stick ive used yet and im so thankful i bought one when i did. it has improved my game tremendously, overall i would give the stick an 8.25/10
  5. how do you like the 9900? i have an old nbh5100 and im either getting the 9900 or 7500... feedback would be great where is that gear from? the socks look sick. the skates are apx im assuming?
  6. looking into getting a new stick... not sure if i should grab a mako or switch it up and get an apx... anybody have feedback?

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