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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. You can learn alot by switching around patterns. I learned to shoot better with a heel wedge because it made me cup the puck and lean on the stick more than a p88 type of curve. I measure sticks by setting sticks against the wall with blade up and measuring to about the mid heel of the blade. That minimizes the differences in lie and toe shape.
  2. Coronavirus gear help you create more space on the ice
  3. A kickpoint is just a section of the stick that's weaker than the rest of the stick so that it will flex at that section the most when a force is applied right? Variable kick is just the absence of a kickpoint so that the stick will flex where your bottom hand is at.
  4. Steel - mission pitch Hollow - 7/16" About Me - I played pond hockey growing up in Canada and then played in a men's league for the past 10 years. My straight line speed is pretty good. I feel my edge work / hockey IQ / hands are holding me back. Hopefully, with these profiles, I can gain some speed which in turn will give me more time and space to make better decisions on the ice. I've been skating on stock mission pitch steel at 263mm which I believe has a 9' radius. I would rate this control set as follows: Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 3 Speed: 3 Quad1 6-9-12-15 Compared to a 9' radius control set there's not much difference that I can tell in terms of acceleration and mobility. I do notice better stability and speed as compared to the 9' control set and the Quad 0 profile. Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 4 Speed: 4
  5. Steel - mission pitch Hollow - 7/16" About Me - I played pond hockey growing up in Canada and then played in a men's league for the past 10 years. My straight line speed is pretty good. I feel my edge work / hockey IQ / hands are holding me back. Hopefully, with these profiles, I can gain some speed which in turn will give me more time and space to make better decisions on the ice. I've been skating on stock mission pitch steel at 263mm which I believe has a 9' radius. I would rate this control set as follows: Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 3 Speed: 3 Quad Zero 6-9-11-13 This profile felt good all around. There's more toe steel as compared to the Zuperior S, so you won't feel like there's not enough steel to push off of. Compared to a 9' radius there's not much difference that I can tell in terms of acceleration and mobility. Stability and speed are slightly better than the 9' control set. Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 4 Speed: 3
  6. yan


    Steel - mission pitch Hollow - 7/16" About Me - I played pond hockey growing up in Canada and then played in a men's league for the past 10 years. My straight line speed is pretty good. I feel my edge work / hockey IQ / hands are holding me back. Hopefully, with these profiles, I can gain some speed which in turn will give me more time and space to make better decisions on the ice. I've been skating on stock mission pitch steel at 263mm which I believe has a 9' radius. I would rate this control set as follows: Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 3 Speed: 3 9-50mm-10.5' I had high hopes for this profile since the Zuperior S triple is my favorite so far. However, this turned out to be my least favorite. It felt like I was using skis, so turning and forward crossovers took me on long loops. When reviewing other profiles, I thought there's no way I could tell a difference in acceleration since I won't be able to detect a tenth of a second of difference, but with this, I could tell. It probably took me a second slower to get started in my stride. Again it's like wearing skis or shoes that are too big. Stability was not good. The long flat section at times felt like it wasn't making full contact with the ice and so there's some loss in traction. Small adjustments in direction felt unresponsive. These two thing combined makes stability feel low. Acceleration: 1 Mobility: 1 Stability: 1 Speed: 2
  7. yan


    Steel - mission pitch Hollow - 7/16" About Me - I played pond hockey growing up in Canada and then played in a men's league for the past 10 years. My straight line speed is pretty good. I feel my edge work / hockey IQ / hands are holding me back. Hopefully, with these profiles, I can gain some speed which in turn will give me more time and space to make better decisions on the ice. I've been skating on stock mission pitch steel at 263mm which I believe has a 9' radius. I would rate this control set as follows: Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 3 Speed: 3 9'-10' Nothing really stood out with this profile which is what I expected judging from the specs. I couldn't tell much difference compared to stock 9' radius. It's an all around solid performer; it gives out as a much as you put in. Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 3 Speed: 3
  8. Steel - mission pitch Hollow - 7/16" About Me - I played pond hockey growing up in Canada and then played in a men's league for the past 10 years. My straight line speed is pretty good. I feel my edge work / hockey IQ / hands are holding me back. Hopefully, with these profiles, I can gain some speed which in turn will give me more time and space to make better decisions on the ice. I've been skating on stock mission pitch steel at 263mm which I believe has a 9' radius. I would rate this control set as follows: Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 3 Speed: 3 Zuperior S 6'-12'-20' My normal 7/16 hollow was used and I found the same level of grip as my control set. The sharpening lasted the usual 5 games for me before I felt there was not enough grip anymore. It seems like a lot of steel was taken off for this profile because the front of the blade for Zuperior S is about 1mm lower than the other profiles I got. However, I did not notice any change in pitch. The profile felt more "rounded" than a single or double radius resulting in smoother weight shifting. I'd say it's kind of like using a rockered blade like p92 vs a flat blade like pm9. I rate this profile as follows: Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 5 Stability: 4 Speed: 4
  9. yan

    10'-20' - yan

    Steel - mission pitch Hollow - 7/16" About Me - I played pond hockey growing up in Canada and then played in a men's league for the past 10 years. My straight line speed is pretty good. I feel my edge work / hockey IQ / hands are holding me back. Hopefully, with these profiles, I can gain some speed which in turn will give me more time and space to make better decisions on the ice. I've been skating on stock mission pitch steel at 263mm which I believe has a 9' radius. I would rate this control set as follows: Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 3 Speed: 3 Detroit 1 10'-20' According to the ProSharp brochure, this profile is designed for defensive players playing on big ice. I played 3 games on a NHL rink and 2 on an Olympic sized rink and found that the extra speed was definitely beneficial on a bigger surface. At times, I felt there was a little too much heel steel. In a game situation, I don't know how often I hit top speed, so maybe I should shorten the heel to add more agility. I did not decrease my hollow and had the same amount of grip as stock 9' which I like. The sharpening lasted about 5 games which is what I usually get from stock steel. I rate 10'-20' as follows; Acceleration: 3 Mobility: 3 Stability: 4 Speed: 4
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