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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
  • Shin Pads
    Vapor x7.0
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM CL
  • Pants
    Bauer Vapor
  • Helmet
    Easton E700
  • Gloves
    CCM quicklite
  • Stick
    Nexus 1N and Warrior QRL

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  1. I'm also not a fan of the stiff lace bite piece inside the tongue. How easy is it to remove the lace-bite protector plastic insider the tongue? Can you make two incisions at the top like this, /\, pull out the insert and glue/sew the fabric back down?? Debating wether to remove it or just let it break down with more use at the area where my ankle flexes.
  2. my understanding is that customizing boot depth is one of the limitations of ccm and Bauer custom skates. hence, their need to recommend a skate line/family based on the scan. Option for advanced/recessed facing appears to address some but not all of the depth limitations
  3. When I got my VH's several years ago, i swore I had "arch pain" . In fact, it was the navicular area just above the arch that needed to be spot heated along with using the tissue technique. Try to determine the red pressure points of pain on your foot and transfer it to the skate (see VH/True lipstick technique) to determine the origin of discomfort.
  4. For those who had a good VH fit and now re-ordering the Trues with the newer materials, what modifications if any should I be aware of that might change the fit based on your experience? is it really as simple as "make the skate same as my last specs"
  5. @Sniper9 adding thicker, more comfort lining from the forefoot though the toe box will further narrow the available width in the toe box, should one then order oversized toe cap to account for that? I'm not sure that i would want to add another variable and risk tbh, i think with enough time and diy remedies (localized heat and pressure), i could have eventually gotten the toe box right. But given my situation, i didn't feel like working so hard when there was another issue with my order
  6. I don’t feel I can make a fair comparison in terms of performance given my 2 issues, the taller SB holders compared to my shorter LS2 (non-edge) holders on my VH and other confounding variables. IMHO, proper snug and comfortable fit and optimized steel profiling is where the performance gains come rather than comparing the different top end skates from the different manufacturers. Of course, the skater as well 😉 i will say that VH were the most comfortable skates by far and not having a toe box/quarter package junction is a big part of that for me. I really liked how ccm placed liner across that junction. However, you can still feel a ridge there (plastic clips underneath??) and may have contributed to my toe pain.
  7. @althoma1 appreciate the feedback. 3D scan recommended 1) Tacks 2) Jetspeed. I chose to go with Jetspeed because of the better heel lock. Even though tacks are supposedly deeper, I could not tell any difference on my foot. Truth be told, I haven't ever had a skate with "textbook" boot depth including previous Supreme TO's (had lacebite in those and they were also the same in depth as these Jetspeeds). Nexus too sloppy at the heel so were never a consideration. Even my current Trues are flush at the 5th eyelet but somehow they worked well for me, I suspect it is because the overall superior wrap makes up for the fact I like my skate laces loose and skip the top eyelet as well. jetspeed toe box is actually fine in retail skate, it just became a problem on the custom order, possibly because my toes touch the front of toe cap due to "pro fit" length?
  8. Update: I’ve gone back to the LHS, long story short they’ve owned up to the mistake (not CCMs fault) and given me a store credit...... on the fence now about submitting a new ccm custom order or going back to VH/True
  9. @jpeaslee yes, its definitely on the order form, the 1/4 adv facing was chosen from the drop down menu on the screen
  10. @jpeaslee 3D scan, total custom. no lacebite persay but having trouble getting the right "snugness" , as too tight gives pressure pain while too loose I get heel slippage. Definitely not getting the "wrapped" feeling of my VH's though LHS employee tried to brush me off the depth issue as "fine and nothing to worry about" upon delivery lol . he did not want to acknowledge there was an issue but I got a hold of a retail 8EE to make sure it was not my imagination. I thinking about raising the issue at this point to the store owner. other minor beefs: requested SB black runners, got the cheapest SB regular runners
  11. I received full custom FT1 4 weeks ago, skated over 10 hours so far in the FT1 rotating with my current VH customs to ease the pain of the break-in Specs: 8EE/B, same tongue as retail but black felt, black clarion liner, ankle donuts/foam, **requested 1/4 inch advanced facing forefoot** The length and width are good overall BUT Couple of major issues: 1)I'm still getting hot spots on the side of the big toes 1.25 inch from the tip of the toe (within the toe cap), ironically there was never even a pinch with retail 8EE's 2)they did not give me the 1/4 inch advanced facing I requested, sadly CCM did not inform LHS they did not do it (even after skates were delivered). It is obvious though when comparing with a retail 8EE, pencil test sits exactly flush on both the retail and custom skate at the 5th eyelet! This request was the main reason I wanted to try CCM customs!! I'm not sure if I should request a remake or refund now?? 😞 what do the members advise??? thank you
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