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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Cosmic

  1. 33 minutes ago, sickwilly said:

    +1 for Coffey. I've been looking for some tapered blades with this pattern for quite a while.


    +2 for Coffey - I always wanted to try this pattern as well since having gotten back into hockey. However, right as I was getting back into it, this style of curve (closed, mid?) seems to have fallen out of favor. I also like the idea of a tall paddle, as the ice where I play is always chewed up beyond what seems fathomable (thus passes are always skipping).

  2. Any idea when we will have information on this development? (I am infinitely more interested in this "classic closed mid toe" curve than the new Shanahan- a heel that is low in height makes catching fluttering passes impossible; and where I play, all passes flutter):






  3. 5 hours ago, althoma1 said:

    I know Bauer patented the Edge holders and hasn't officially let anyone produce replacement blades, but I'm not so sure about the cages/helmets. I know the Re-akt cage I bought from you works well on an Easton E700 helmet (ironically it didn't fit as well on a Bauer IMS 7.0/Cascade M11). Maybe their new cages don't fit on all helmets, but I can't see them specifically designing them to only fit Bauer helmets.


    I was specifically trying to fit one of the Bauer Hybrid fishbowl with the cage underneath, onto a CCM Resistance. A guy who used to work over at HM said something to the effect of, "Impossible, it used to be a possibility, but Bauer changed their rigging so that this fishbowl had to be used with a Bauer lid." Maybe it is unfair of me to try to determine their intention, perhaps they were just innovating; I think the guy over there maybe put it in my head that Bauer did this to just lock people into their stuff. Whatever, point is, I do not work in the industry, so maybe I know nothing. But judging from the Twitter feud between Bauer and Warrior last year over QR this and that, I don't know, I cannot see a great Meeting of the Minds over Flex Summit happening any time soon (which is fine; we will sort it out). On a side note, I ended up "discovering" the CCM Res 300 Cage (in white; it is perfect, as it whites out the ice and has compressed wire where the eye port is) as a result of being forced out of Bauer stuff, so it was all for the best. 


    If you can get to a HM where they have the stick testing section, then that's a win. I vacation close to the HM in Irvine, and enjy testing out all the new sticks and flexes in their area.

  4. 8 hours ago, smu said:

    There has to be some move towards all brands having a standard flex then the players can have a chance of getting what they want.


    Seeing as how Bauer recently changed their helmets and cages so that they are only compatible with each other (and no longer compatible with the rest of the market, thus stifling us, if we were to try to mix and match helmets and cages), I think it is safe to say that Bauer will not be singing "Kum-Bay-Yah" with the rest of the manufacturers, to ease the burden of the guesswork on the "consumers," as one of their (former?) product line guys likes to refer to us in one of the IW Insight videos.


    The only flex standardization we can expect, will come from here, I am guessing.

  5. 4 minutes ago, malcb33 said:

    It seems to me that a lot of people are asking for the same thing, a toned down BC10, Warrior Gionta, True TC3 are all very close. Slight differences but they basically play similar and in my mind it's a very versatile curve which is easy to transition to from a P88 type curve if you want more of a toe.


    Note- The difference angles when trying to take a picture of so many curves together at one time. The TC3 and Gionta are very similar IRL 


    Old guys who post at MSH just want the curve that we grew up with, but with the curve pushed a bit down the paddle, toward the toe.


    Is the Warrior Gionta as open as the P88? I always thought it was more closed, but you sound like you are finding it to be a bit more open. 

  6. 17 hours ago, Stephen7 said:


    I should add that the Warrior velvet grip and our matte grip are indeed similar. However Warrior uses a 1 step process to add the grip, while Base uses a two step. We first spray a primer type layer to help adhesion and then follow that with the matte grip finish.  It is slightly more costly for us to do it that way but we feel it makes for a better end result.


    I love the Warrior velvet on my Dynasty AXT1 shaft. Is your clear powder matte, or grip powder matte like this?

  7. I cannot edit posts (as mentioned in another forum), so apologies for multiple posts. I just found this in an old MSH thread about curves:




    This is what I am talking about. A nice, gentle toe curve on an almost closed face (does not need to be 100% closed, then open/ closedness of the Malkin Pro BC71 was perfect- ever so slightly open. This Roberts Pro looks a little more open than the Malkin, but I would prefer this over the Malkin (if I had to choose one), simply because the hook is not so extreme.


    Note, I am RH (this pic is of a LH), assuming that any curve that is made will become available in RH and LH.

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  8. I think that what I am looking for, is the discontinued Warrior Gionta/ Sherwood Smyth, but as I have never actually seen or used these curves, I will spell it out:


    I. (I and II describe the same thing, from different starting points):


    A toned down BC71 Malkin Pro. Specifically, if the curve were about half as big, then this would be ideal. 


    Specs that I like about the BC71:


    Lie: 5.25

    Face: CLOSED (so hard to find closed faces; even though the closed face was the only offering when I was a kid, and when I last played hockey from like 1984-1994)

    Rocker: it's there, but it is not big enough for the puck to slide under the toe on passes and wrist shots (Again, "the blade" that I grew up with, had such a small amount of rocker, that this was something that I never had to worry about, until I got back into hockey recently)

    Length & Height: seems about average/ medium (just like what I grew up with)


    The only thing that I would request to change, would be the curve. The BC71 hook is so deep- great for firing wrist shots; I can get huge velocity by spinning the puck along this thing. Stickhandling though, is a bit of an adventure as I need a more straight paddle to move the puck along the ice with. For a super skilled guy wth great hands and proper technique (like Malkin or a pro), I can see how the curve would may not pose a big problem for stick handling. However, I am definitely not a "super skilled guy wth great hands and proper technique," and thus, a toned down curve would suit me better.


    II. If I were to compare the specs of what I am requesting, with a W88 Warrior Zetterburg (which I currently use, and which suits me pretty decently), then I would say identical in these regards:


    Lie: Warrior says it is a 4 lie, but I think it is the same as a 5.25 in Base

    Rocker: I love the W88 rocker- very subtle- big enough that I can rock the blade when needed to handle what comes my way, but not so big that anything slides under the toe.

    Length & Height: seems about average/ medium (just like what I grew up with)


    What I would modify:


    Face: CLOSE IT !!

    Curve: I would like a reasonable toe curve. Something big enough that I can start my wrist shot at the middle of the blade, and then spin it along a nice little toe curve. Not so big though, that is gets in the way of stick handling. The W88 curve, if moved down to the mid toe area, would like be a little bit big. Something about 1/2 the size of the W88, would be nice. I want the very end to bend a bit more intensely than the rest of the curve, as I theorize that this will let me be more accurate (just a theory, you can see I spend a lot of time thinking about this stuff HAHA). I have seen this on some pro curves or mods, but I do not have a picture. I will be on the lookout for one, and post when I find it.


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  9. Height - 6'2"

    Weight - 215 lbs

    Pant Size: XL

    Shell Size: XL

    Time of use: About 8 months, 2-3x/week

    Other pants previously used: CCM Crazy Light, Warrior Pro Stock Franchise


    Level of play: Beer Leaguer

    Location: In very hot and humid rinks


    Fit - 6/10


    In the store, and in the early usage, I thought these were the best pants/girdle on the market, and could not find fault with them. They fit like a pair of tight shorts, which is nice. The thigh guard's ability to move with my leg is an infinite improvement over the pants that I previously wore (although I have never tried a true girdle, and suspect that the true girdle would be even better). However, once you get skating and sweaty, the shortcoming of the belt closure system become quickly apparent. Most pants offer the skate lace, plus the belt. The other girdle has a nice big piece in lieu of a belt, which offers a more comprehensive close. With the belt, if I cinch it tight, so that the pants hold in place with all the crouching and bending and striding and twisting, then I can get a nice hold, but there is pressure on my waist which I am not thrilled about. If I loosen it up, so that I do not feel this pressure, then I find myself yanking the pants up during faceoffs. According to the size chart, I am between L and XL. In the store, when I tried on a Large, it showed some distress in the mesh around the crotch, and figuring this could become a durability issue, I went with the XL, which still seemed to give a nice snug fit (as it still does). 4 points out of 10 may seem like a lot to deduct, for one area not fitting to my liking. However, after having come to my own senses (that this is the only pant or girdle on the market that uses such a skimpy closure system), I am thinking, "What were they thinking?" Ok, maybe since it is a snug fit all around, Warrior did not think that they would need more than just this belt? I do not know, but I do know that the belt system in the previous girdle had issues (unrelated to my gripe, but issues nonetheless) with its belt closure system.

    Protection: 7/10


    In the thigh guard, tail bone, hip pad, and kidney area, these are pretty solid. However, I would not trust the thin, medium density foam inserts that cover the femoral triangle. Sure, I have taken pucks off of these pads, after having deflected passes when I was forechecking, but I would not trust these to stop slapshots.

    Weight - 10/10


    This thing is feather light. I barely notice it when it is on (and not cinched tightly).


    Durability - 3/10


    On the bright side, the mesh that holds it together, and gives it great breathability and ventilation, has held up. However, the plastic inserts are pressing through the front top area, in multiple places, and require repairs:






    This is also a successful repair, where the back was splitting:




    I take very good care of my gear; always drying it after use, and leaving it alone when not being used. So, I chalk this up to "not my error."


    Intangibles 8/10


    If you:


    -Play Forward and do not plan on blocking a ton of shots.

    -Play in a hot/ humid rink

    -Travel with your gear, so that weight is a premium factor when checking gear for airline flights

    -Do not mind the belt closure system

    -Are ok with the pants lasting 6-9 months, before you may require another pair


    Then these pants are perfect for you.


    However, if you want a pair of pants/ girdle to last longer, and/ or the other items above are not of prime consideration, then I would say look elsewhere. I do not expect these to last much longer, and am debating whether to try the MX3 girdle (for mobility/ snugness of fit to the body) or the QuickLites (for lightweightness, and durability) as my next pair. I will definitely not be buying another Dynasty girdle (although I will still buy Warrior. I do not think that this is a poor quality or manufacturing issue, as much as it is a design flaw, in something that was an innovation, so Warrior is still all good in my book).




    I am happy to have tried these out. If Warrior can fix the belt closure system, beef up the femoral triangle area (perhaps thicker, higher density foams), and fix the issue of the sharp plastic inserts pressing through in the areas noted, then these would be perfect. This pant does some things exceptionally well, and perhaps better than any other pant on the market. However, it comes up short in the areas referenced, for my preferences.


    Overall score - 34/50


    ** Quick note on the Shell: 

    The shell required a quick repair out of the gate, on the velcro closure system (which I understand was an issue for every user that I know of who also used this shell). However, since the repair, everything has held up just find, and I like the mesh in the back for extra breathability. This is my go-to shell, amongst a pro stock Warrior and 2 custom shells that I had made.



  10. 1 hour ago, MrData said:


    The Nasty R has the thinnest blade out of all the sticks we currently offer, so if you're looking for a thinner blade that is as stiff as the SuperNatural, you might want to try that. Your best bet is a fitting session, where you'll be able to try out different sticks, blades, shafts, flexes, curves, etc. That way, you'll know for sure if you like a blade, shaft, or stick before you buy it. Soon, you'll be able to try out different blade stiffness as well, so stay tuned.


    As for another closed toe curve that's not as deep: I don't think we currently offer a curve exactly like that. The BC10 Russell (a taller Hossa pro) has a straight heel which is good for stickhandling, but it's a lot more open and still very deep right at the toe. Are you a lefty or a righty? There are a few pro curves that are only offered in one handedness, so there might be an option for you there.


    There's also a certain "classic" closed mid-toe curve that we don't offer right now but that I inquired about recently. That might be exactly what you're looking for: A stickhandler's dream. We have a spare blade with that curve, but we'd have to digitize it first in order to offer it on our sticks and as tapered blades. Again, stay tuned for a lot of new developments in the next few months!


    I am Right Handed.


    I am far from a "stickhandler" or dangler; which is why I require something pretty specific. I am presently in a W88, which suits me well enough, I just wish that the face was more closed and that the curve was a bit more toward the toe, as my shots have a tendency to sail exceptionally high with something like a P92, "highish" with my W88 (I have to really focus to bring my shots down), but with the BC71 or the Kovalchuck retail, my shots were pretty much perfect. As mentioned, the BC71 gave me handling issues, and the Kovalchuk retail as well was a problem with handling due to its high lie and complete lack of rocker. (I like a mild to moderate rocker, as in the W88, which is perfect for me.)


    So yes, I am interested to see what you have in store regarding the closed mid-toe curve. Sounds like a Gionta retail, perhaps? I have never used, but everyone tells me that it would suit my mechanics (or lack thereof). And with the Malkin, of course, I figured you made it for and to his liking. If I had more skill/ hand eye coordination, then I could likely manage the big hook when handling, but what can ya do?

  11. I used a BASE BC71 Malkin Pro blade for awhile, I cannot recall the style- Supernatural or something like that. The blade was very stiff (which was fine), but also thick. It was so thick that stickhandling felt awkward. How thin are your blades now, compared to the standard (Bauer, Warrior, etc.)?


    Also, I loved the Malkin Pro, except that it had just a bit too much toe, again making stickhandling a bit awkward. I loved how closed the face was, and I loved the curve otherwise (toe curve or mid toe), just felt like I was trying to stickhandle with a banana.


    Do you have this curve available, but toned down so that the curve is about half the size?



  12. 31 minutes ago, Anjin-san said:

    Does it really matter whether the sizing lines up or is consistent with another brand? Regardless when getting fitted you're always going to try on several sizes anyways. I understand that it can be an annoyance. However I would never blindly buy new skates in a particular size based solely on past experience with a previous model. I'll always try on several pair to ensure a proper fit. 


    Not everyone has a local skate shop that they can visit, to try on new/ different models of skate, when a new skate is required. Thus, online ordering takes place, without first going through this process that you describe. So, it behooves the skate companies to make themselves uniform to the benchmark (Bauer), so that when Miscellaneous Guy living in the Middle of Nowhere's Vapor skates are finished, and he is interested to try something new, he can buy another brand online with confidence.

    • Like 2

  13. On 4/12/2016 at 3:08 AM, Bbd94 said:

    Is it just me but do the Vapor gloves look completely unchanged at all, except the name? 


    I read somewhere (catalogue perhaps?) that the 1X will have a taper at the cuffroll, whereas the 1X Pro seems to have the same fitment as the APX 2/ APX 2 Pro. In the pics, it does look like the 1X glove tightens significantly at the cuffroll, before flaring out at the cuff.

  14. 13 hours ago, kmfdm86 said:

    No, $149 is the sale price. In your cart you enter "SAVE25" and it takes another 25% off. It comes to about $112. I already bought and received my pair of QR1's for this price. Haha.


    My bad- I thought you were talking about the stick. I have been using the QR Pro stick since January 2015 and it is still going strong (2-3x/ week, some weeks, as I have also tried and used other sticks, and I have been pretty rough on it).  So yea, that is a great deal on the QR1 gloves, and the QR Pro stick.

  15. I realize that the Gionta is niche, and that there are already toe options. I also sense that  the youth will not like the Gionta, as they seem to like loft for ease of lifting. This old timer grew up on pretty much Iginla equivalents (I seem to recall everything being Iginla when I was a kid in the late 80s), so I learned to lift the puck pretty easily; almost too easily as I sometimes have to try to keep it down, even with the tame P88 (TRUE MC 88). Would be nice I suppose, if the Gionta were available for custom order on the SBP 6.0 blade side of things. I'd pay a little extra just to have a run at it. I loved the BASE P71 Malkin Pro for ripping hard wristers without any sort of focus on mechanics, it was just so hard to stickhandle with. I suspect that the Gionta would be the best of all worlds (admittedly, for my "unique" mechanics and preference).

  16. 11 hours ago, jdksaves said:

    Sorry, We currently will not have the P77/Coffey curve as an offering. We are always talking about other possible patterns. I will add this to the discussion as well.


    I use the MC (or W88 in Warrior) so I am satisfied with TRUE presently, and checking the TH, IW and HM websites daily to pick up some A6.0 SBPs when they become available in the MC pattern.


    If TRUE wants to add this to the discussion of potential patterns to bring back, I have only heard great things about the Warrior Gionta. I never got a chance to use it, but I think I would like it.

    • Like 1

  17. 10 hours ago, chippa13 said:

    One of the first things I do once I'm set on keeping a pair of shin is cut off the straps. If you're happy with everything else about the pads then don't let the straps dissuade you.


    Amen to that. I have been using the A & R Shin Sleeves for a couple of years (with straps on my Reebok 20K Pros cut off). They lock the shins in place better than straps, tape and the hockey outer socks possibly can. Hypothetically, they should retain heat, but I do not notice my shins getting hot. 

  18. Pro spec, pro stock or not; it looks like VH will be my next skates. I wear (pro stock) shot blockers (over retail Easton Mako 2s) and the things are cumbersome (better than the retail blockers but I still notice them), so to be able to have the blockers built into the skate is gonna be huge value. So whenever the Mako 2s break down, then I figure that Scott VH will just keep getting better between now and whenever I place my order, and yea pro spec/ pro stock/ Cosmic spec or whatever makes zero difference to me, as long as I get this perfect custom fit that everyone is raving about (With hopefully a bit less residual glue that some have complained about).

  19. Custom Pro Repair (Pat Rivest).


    These were pro stock Jimmy Hayes APX2 gloves (non-PORON lined) that I wanted beefed up, and re-palmed:


    I asked Pat to taper the backhand plates to fit the profile of the flex cuff, so that I max on protection, without interference when my wrists flex:




    These thumb guard half moon pieces prompted this customization, and then I figured that if I am paying shipping over the border both ways, then I may as well go all out.

    If anyone wants to save time in dialoguing with Pat (he's cool, but he's busy; and I highly doubt that he wants to have the same 5 conversations that he had with me, 100 more times in the next 5 years, so he can identify what people may want), then here is what everything is called, and the price in Canadian dollars:


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