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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Cosmic

  1. 8 hours ago, All Flash said:

    Would recommend OP check out Base as rumor has it the P30 from CCM is now discontinued on all new sticks moving forward. Which leaves you with only Pro stock , older models , and custom. 

    Sad to think retailers will only offer 3 curves at some point on all sticks. Slowly but surely. Well that's where it seems to be heading anyways.

    @Stephen7 Got a P30 in the works?

    I hope that this rumor proves to be false, as I am pretty much attached to nothing in life, except the P30 on the end of my hockey stick. Just in case this is true though, I need to start keeping my eyes open. 

  2. Payment methods accepted: BitCoin, LiteCoin, PayPal (Family and Friends- check my seller rating here, I am confirmed legit)

    Easton Mako II Skates, size 10.0EE: $275 + Shipping

    Bauer Vapor APX2 14 inch gloves (Jimmy Hayes) with mods: $175 + Shipping

    STX Surgeon 500 Elbow Pads, size Large: $45 + Shipping

    Warrior Franchise Pro Stock Pants, size Large: $45 + Shipping

    Warrior Dynasty Girdle, size XL with the Garter sewn in: $85 + shipping

    CCM Crazy Light Shoulder Pads, size XL: $85 + shipping

    CCM U+12 LE Shoulder Pads, size XL: $45 + shipping

    Bauer Supreme TotalOne NXG Shin Guards, 16 inch: $45 + shipping

    2 Titan TPM 3030s, 85 flex, P40: $100 + Shipping


    CCM Crazy Light Elbow Pads- Size Large- $60+ Shipping



  3. I am trying to get my hands on a new stick with the following specs:

    -P30 curve (Panarin)

    -95 flex


    -low budget around $100 or so-or the $159.99 model with 30% off coupon is even better.

    I visited Hockey Monkey earlier today- they had an 85 flex in a $110 Ribcor. I almost bought it but I know it’s gonna get too whippy too soon, so I passed on it.

    if anyone knows any of the retailers that has these in stock then please let me know. I guess it’s not a popular pattern, so it’s hard to find. 

     I think I prefer Ribor, then Tacks then JetSpeed but most important is just a stiff twig with an easy curve to use.

    i have a few sticks that are on their last leg to get me by until maybe these sticks start showing up along with some Black Friday deals.

  4. I had that feeling for the last 6 months or so that I played (August-December 2018), after a good 5 year run of playing all the time from about 2013-2018. I was forced to take a break when I moved and had a gear failure that I never repaired/ replaced, and am starting to get the itch to play again now. So yea, this 9 month break or so is having me feel reborn! (and thanks to @SkateWorksPNW, I am getting that piece of gear on Monday, gifted via the MSH brotherhood. About to go get my skates sharpened and shoot some pucks (dryland) at HockeyMonkey in a bit, figure I will be on the ice within a week.

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  5. So I used to wear the Bauer 37.5 goalie jock pants with the electric blue PORON structures- they suited me pretty well because they had those huge knee PORON pads, which sat behind my Reebok shin guards that did not have much knee protection (and are otherwise bomb proof). These jock pants also had huge PORON areas inside the thighs, another area that my girdle lacks protection, and where I sometimes took shots when I for whatever reason would rotate my skate out and expose that area to block a high shot (don't ask me why this is reflex- I have no idea- but when I took very weak shots there, no padding, they left a nasty bruise- with these pants, I was fine.

    I got these FrankenPants from Hockey Monkey Sweden or Europe online. They never released in the USA as far as I know. 

    So the last time I played, these came completely unraveled and torn apart. I think I sized down for a tighter fit, and then just ended up ripping through them.

    Trying to get back into hockey and just looking for a good liner with some nice little additional pads, if it exists. Bauer looks like they have completely gotten away from the PORON laced liners, which is a shame. I like that extra PORON down low for those miscellaneous pucks that found their way through the rest of my padding down there.

    Anyone have any ideas? I am headed to Hockey Money today to see what's good. I am figuring that I am more likley to find something online tho through the minds gathered here.

  6. 8 hours ago, stick9 said:

    You should have led with that and saved people the time in reading the entire post.

    I think you're painting the entire team with the Marchand brush and not giving the proper credit to guys like Bergeron, Krejci, DeBrusk & Pastanak. But you've admitted you hate them, so I don't expect you to be fair.


    I will also say, that I hate the Bruins so much, that I actually tune in when I might not otherwise, just to root for them to lose (2014 series vs. PIT, and 2014 SCF vs Blackhawks, plus this series vs. TBL). So, perhaps the NHL knows what it is doing by letting guys like Marchand get away with his antics.

    I could be biased too because I went to some playoff games (1988 maybe?) during the NJ Devils first Cup run, pre-Brodeur/ Stevens/ etc, around 1988, and I recall the Bruins goonery was strong in that series, so yea I have been forever influenced. I had not really chosen a team yet, I just enjoyed hockey at the time and naturally supported the home team (NJ Devils). 

  7. 24 minutes ago, Dangles83 said:

    I assumed the large would be long enough, I am more concerned with the medium not being long enough. I am usually a M in everything else, but the size chart has me puzzled.

    I guess my point was that a Medium in Super Tacks, due to the adjustability features, may work for length in the legs. I just remembered, that I tried on a Medium Super Tacks, it felt great in the hips and legs. I have a lot of extra waist compared to @Dangles83 as I am a 36-38 waist. The only are I felt the Medium Super Tacks lacking was it was too low in the upper girdle (kidney protection) area and did not come up high enough for my liking. The Large came up higher, and I could wrap the extra material around my waist fine with the Large. Not sure if @Dangles83 will be able to do this with a Large

    @Dangles83 Did you try the Supreme 1S? Or, not looking to spend a car payment on a girdle (can't blame ya). I think Bauer is better for slim and fit types, wheres CCM is more for athletic to bigger. I am a Medium in Bauer 1S (amazingly- I was shocked as I figured I would be Large to XL).

  8. Sure the officiating went the way of TBL in Game 3. But, due to the way that BOS plays some may say physical, some may say dirty. I have no problem with physical, which I see as a hard body check on a puck carrier- but dirty is checking non puck carriers and all the incessant slashing- I think that Boston does this more than other teams, by design and in a calculated fashion in the playoffs because they know they will get away with it- and I think that they are right, and they generally do get away with more than what they get called for.

    For example:

    In today's Game, the hit from Kreiji on Killorn at the end of the second period. Really? It's playoff hockey, and it's the Bruins, so they let it go.

    How about after the Cirelli potential penalty shot trip, as he approached a loose puck on an empty neck. After the penalty, and after he got up (and approached the boards), he got late hit and boarded by 2 guys. Playoff hockey, and it's the Bruins, so no call. And it was late I guess, and a penalty had already been called on the trip so fine. But what, a non-puck carrier, with his back to the puck, just getting up and gaining composure, is fair game to be targeted? Where is Player Safety in this?

    In Game 2, I think that Paquette or some grinder on TBL dumped the puck. It hit Krug or some BOS D man in the helmet- maybe intentional, maybe an accident. Regardless, it was a WEAK hit to the helmet, definitely not a penalty, and Krug takes offense and slashes the guy as he goes in to chase the dumped puck. How do the refs miss that? It was so clearly a slash and should have been a penalty. This was the guys on the puck, no excuse to miss that call.

    Game 1, Marchand blatantly crosschecks Point in the back, as Point makes an innocent pass out of his D zone. Again, how do the refs not see this?

    And was the Marchand Vulcan neck pinch in game 1 or 2? And all the licking in the TOR series? How does he get away with this? He's a repeat offender and the NHL has the film. Why? Is this good for the game? Is this what the NHL is all about, and/or what the fans want to see?

    I also saw the Stralman slash on Marchand when he was on a breakaway. Sure, that should have been a call. The refs missed it. Maybe they thought, "it is Marchand, and he is getting slashed, does not compute does not compute does not compute what do we do?"

    The only other time that I have seen a team aside from the Bruins get away with consistently egregious dirty/ constantly slashing./ constantly roughing guys up well after the play, was during the NYR cup run in 2014, when the NYR targeted Giroux and just punished him every time he touched the puck, often late after he passed. Playoff hockey? I guess. That was the same year that John Moore got a multiple game suspension for what looked like a basic hit on a guy speeding through the neutral zone, where Moore's shoulder happened to meet the guy's head since Moore is 6'3, and the other guy was shorter and had his head down. Anyway, I digress. 

    The point is, that I think the game would be better if the refs just shut down what I feel the Bruins are known for, and get away with more than anyone else, across the board (starting with Boston). 

    Full disclosure- I have absolutely hated the Bruins since I was a kid, and am a NYR fan. I like TBL because they got alot of my favorite NYR guys, and how can one not like Stamkos, Kucherov, Hedman. and Palat They are skilled and classy and are not up to any antics- they just play hard and play well- with style, skill and class. I can't say that about the BOS teams over the years. BOS teams play hard; I will give them that.

    Anyway yea I am biased as can be so there lol.


  9. I have used just about every retail curve at least in the shooting zone at HM, and most in actual play, as well as, the Base P71, and the Scheiffele pro stock.

    It's an absolute no brainer for me- the P30 (CCM exclusive) is the best curve out there (for me), hands down. Every one should at least give it a try (in the shooting range, or on an inexpensive stick).

  10. FWIW, I have the Resistance and the Resistance 300 (one for each place that I play at). I thought that both were great, but just recently, I have been noticing pressure points. on the right and left sides of my forehead. I have a narrow head (Icon Airframe Pro for motorbike, and most helmets give me the same feeling that I just noticed the Resistance giving me). So, I think that the Resistance shape is more round than suits me- not the fault of the helmet; I bought it because I liked its depth, and I have not really found a proper intermediate oval helmet, until ...

    The Tacks seemed to fit my head better when I tried it on at the store. The 310 seemed softer in the store, not sure if the 710 will soften up when it breaks in or what. Next helmet is definitely the 310 or 710. If I had not spent so much on the 2 Resistance helmets then I would already be in a Tacks; I just do not like taking losses on gear (and I do not like paying shipping so yea, just gonna stick with the Resistance buckets for now). 

  11. 2 hours ago, the_game said:

    I got in way too late on Bitcoin but still have seen a nice uptick. That being said I got in early on Ethereum and that has played out nicely.

    I am no expert in any of this but from what I've read (and kinda understand) I think Ethereum will have better applications of its blockchain tech down the road versus bitcoin. Either way its been a pretty fun ride.

    I could not agree less. Ethereum is a borderline s*$tcoin:


    Yes, Ethereum has gone up in value, but why? The pump in May to early summer 2017 was due to the numerous/ abundant ICO (s*$tcoin) launches. In order to buy the ICOs, you had to buy Ethereum to get in. Even still, there are coins on the Exodus wallet that I have dabbled in (regrettably), which require Ethereum as a fee to get out of!! So scammy, sorry but this is just abhorrent.

    Why the recent huge volume of trading? I actually do not know, but is it related to the CryptoKitties? Ethereum hodlers are spamming their own blockchain buying and selling virtual cats. Lame Lame Lame. 

    Why does Bitcoin go up? Because people are speculating on what may be digital gold. (and some market manipulation too, perhaps?) I am fine with both. I would prefer the lack of manipulation, as I fear this to be a House of Cards/ Mountain of Dynamite, with a fuse that the rulers can light any time they want (just pump a story through the MSM), so I recouped my initial investment when I saw this, and have not looked back since.

    I am not telling you what to buy, but I do think that Ethereum is pathetic and I would not touch it with your money. And how many times has it been hacked? How many times has it rolled back the Blockchain? How proud is Gavin of his visit with the CIA? (when he was the Bitcoin Chief Dev) Can ya tell I do not like Ethereum?

    Now, as me about Litecoin :)))))) (I love me some Litecoin). 3x in like 5 days (from $100 to $300), and Charlie Lee says .25x of the value of BTC in 3 years or so. Right now, I think we are at .01x or so, so lots of room for growth, relative to Bitcoin. 

    Not financial advice; just saying, do your homework before buying anything. Or not, it is an apparently emerging market so anyone in seems to be making $$, and that is all I really care about at the end of the day. I guess that's why I like Bitcoin/ Litecoin. Even if all they do is P2P exchange of value, if they outperform all other cryptos in terms of gains, then I want that. Smart contracts, tangles, payroll applications, DAPS, real world apps, etc. Who cares? I am just getting rich in crypto land, that's what it's about for me. And sure, facilitating humanity's movement off of a leeching fiat currency to a value adding digital currency, kind of a noble cause I suppose. To be part of this process is the bonus. But yea if you wanna get something else out of the space (aside from getting rich and liberating humanity from a depreciating/ debt based currency), then go for it. Don't let me stop ya. I have recently learned a bit about people's psychology in regard to investing, and I have no interest in evangelizing you in regard to where you send your money to get 2,3, and 4x'ed :)


  12. On 12/10/2017 at 12:28 PM, Playmakersedge said:

    Sounds fascinating.   I have to find information that is visual . Graph or out line format or listen about it.

    I enjoy the Bitcoin Morning Brief on YouTube with Jimmy Song and Tone Vays. I used to like World Crypto Network (where I first discovered these guys), but since these guys seem to have left WCN, WCN is not really the same as I thought that Jimmy and Tone carried the conversation. There is a lot of misinformation about Bitcoin all over the place, and people talking about the stuff who do not really understand it. I like YouTuber Crypto Daily also. He is more of a comedian, but I am yet to find him peddling information that is obviously wrong or misleading. 

    There are plenty of other shows, but too many are just sharing their opinions on why what they invested in (Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, etc.) is "great and here's why you should too!." That type of talk just irritates me to no end. 

  13. Be careful guys. I mean if you are just in $2K and are not at risk of defaulting on the old mortgage, then you know that you will be fine. But, just a concern(s), from a guy who loves Bitcoin/Litecoin/crypto:

    Bitfinxed has a theory on how the price has made this record move:


    Do I have a moral issue, as a Bitcoin holder? HELL NO! I will take my profits any way I can get them. However, if this is a pump and dump, to synchronize with the pending opening of CME/CBOE/NADSAQ non-Bitcoin settled futures markets, then we can potentially go back down as fast as we went up. How low will we go? I suspect not too low, as I understand that billionaires are waiting on the sidelines for the next dip. Is my intel reliable? Absolutely not! So, the floor is the limit, but I will certainly be buying if we go way down, as I know may other fellow non-billionaires will also be doing.

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