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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. @tedpenguins My two cents worth on the thigh boards and Padskinz- 1) yes, those thigh boards are pretty silly, but save them as you now have extra padding to use in something else and an extra set of quick release closures (if so equipped). You will find that your CA gets more mods than any other piece of equipment. 2) The sheets are the only way to fly if you're going to try and follow the lines in black on the graphic portions on your blocker. Besides, I cover the nose of my blocker with Padskins to prevent wear when playing paddle-down and if some waterhead ploughs into you and cuts your pads with their skates, you can patch the cut after you beat the crap out of the said aggressor. I always keep black and white Padskinz material around for the purposes I wrote about more than changing graphics. Good looking set you have. Well done!
  2. I bought three sets of Brian's and plan on trying the HAL when those turn to trash.
  3. The only "better" neutral would either be all-white, retro tan, or even grey. Sounds like a good purchase.
  4. I second the Brian's Smart Toe straps, though there is a new kid in town: Monster Goalie. Look them up. The K strap is PHENOMENAL! The quality of their elastics is subliminal, and the K strap is an elastic version of the "professor strap". You can eliminate most of your strapping with the K strap.
  5. @magnets That BLOWS!!!!! Sorry to read that, matey! Hopefully, some solution can be had where you can still play.
  6. I was a big pest left winger in my day. I got off on drawing penalties, getting under the skin of goalers and defensemen alike. I had no other skills! I did not play any other position in any other sport except for full back in foot ball (soccer to those in North America), and I was a yellow and red card leader. I don't know why I always wanted to play goaler, but I always did. I don't let stupid goals drive me nuts. Some blokes will apologise for their poor defense, but I always tell them that I am having a cracking time out there DESPITE the fact that I am playing both defense AND goal. Bloody hell-it is bloody well PICK UP, I say. I will yell "pylon" for those blokes who just stand in front me. If you're going to be an immobile object, at least LET ME SEE THE BLOODY FACKIN' PUCK!!!!!
  7. I do, mainly so I can learn my angles. But bloody hell- I am skint from buying new gear :(***
  8. Drop in report: 5-on-5, three subs on each bench and two goalies. 20 minute shut out was possible to to the opposing team playing good, solid Defense. Furthermore, the deluge only started with Donny McDangles arriving. I stopped him four times today. He then lit me up later, especially after fatigue. The goals piled up after I started getting tired. In all, I made a few really good stops being more aggressive with my stick. There was a time where shots would go on every blocking surface but in the openings. I am getting better at reading plays, but I have a long way to go before I would feel comfortable playing in a league. But I am going to get there ;) In all, a decent skate today.
  9. As posted on a female hockey forum: "...Last Friday, I was like in this Ducks throwback tournament. We were like down 7-0 and this goalie had the nerve to be like yelling at his D to like cover me. I'm like 'STFU, you guys are like up 7-0 and I have like NEVER scored a goal in my life!!!' Uh my G'd!!! What a jerk!!!!..."
  10. Oy Vay!!!! I call him that to his face, as in "wassup, Mc Dangles?" He's good natured about me calling him "McDangles". Shalom L'chaim!
  11. Thursday Drop-in Report: 3-on-3 one sub, two goalies action today. It felt like I was not on the ice for awhile; it was only a week and a day. Anywho- the title of this post should be "angles, angles, angles". I need to get a GoPro like Opti has. That is the number one thing I need to do. Number two is to use those angles to close holes. Number three is to set myself up as a bumper stopping pucks from going IN the goal. I had a ten minute shut out, then Donny McDangles showed up. I did shut him down more today than ever. But I got lit up like a bloody Menorah on the eight night of Chanukah. I got shots pinballed from poor coverage on the posts. I let in some weird goals, but there were the gimmees they thought they would/should get. In all, I do believe I am improving. Cutting off plays is getting better. Next time is next week.
  12. No stick and puck today due to severe ear infection. I hope I am over it by Thursday, 'cos Thursday is drop in with cops 'n' firemen.
  13. The coins themselves are worth MUCH more than the actual value.
  14. lol about "natural padding"; I have plenty and it STILL hurts like a mofo when I got hit in the love handle on Wednesday! I am going to see a Passau in the flesh in a couple of weeks and make a decision on my future purchase soon. I was going to put my ducats towards a new set of leg pads, but a CA is DEFINITELY on the MUST BUY list!
  15. Stick and puck report: Facing better shooters has been paying off for me. I am starting to figure out how to cut off parts of plays. I am trying to play more aggressively. Though I was one of five people at the rink both Monday and Wednesday, we would play three on two or three on three. I feel that this change of scenery may help my drop-in hockey at my home rink, as the chance of playing against good players is better. Monday, I faced the hardest shot I had EVER faced, as this guy dented my wooden goalie stick. He also gave me a few stingers. Speaking of stingers- I am going to make a "love handle" guard. I got stung pretty hard on a love handle yesterday! No bruises, oddly enough; but I need some protection in that area. Ouch!!!! Next Monday is back at the "other" rink; then Thursday at the "home" rink.
  16. Your stories of his antics are making me hope you punch him the the throat with your blocker. Yes, I would probably do that against him, as well ;)
  17. Make certain your camera works well. I hope you give him at least ONE blocker punch to his throat!
  18. When do you play against mis-match sock pony tail boy again, Opti? That is a game I can't wait to watch, and I hope you make Hextall and Smith proud against that tosser!
  19. Not trying to get weird on you, but you really have a special situation, mate! Cherish that group!!!!
  20. It sounds like your teammates love you! That is AWESOME!!!!!
  21. I wanted to buy a CA to try the position, so the Vaughn did it's job as far as I am concerned. I was able to bolster it enough to not give me stingers; but I need better since I am serious about the position of goaler. I think you may end up liking using player elbows if you go that direction, as the elbow pads bolster areas of the elbow and forearm well. The best elbow pad I found for this purpose? The lowly Reebok 4K, as there is no biceps protection to get in the way. But as always- your preference may dictate something different.
  22. Passau is where I am thinking of going, Opti; which is why I say that my next CA will more than likely have integrated elbow protection. The elbow pads actually help with bolster the somewhat lacking arm protection that Vaughn CA's infamously possess.
  23. Thanks. I will show the downright futile and frankly SCARY substitutes for "elbow protection" tonight. I never felt comfortable with the so-called "elbow protection" that were in my Vaughn LT80 CA. I could have seen problems with those cups, frankly.
  24. The elbow cups in my CA are very deficient. I unlaced them and NORMALLY wear player elbow pads. Let's just say I was a lucky, lucky dude today. When I get my next CA, I will have much better, INTEGRATED elbow protection with it.
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