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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. You weren't nearly as bad as you say you were. Your D-men need to wear orange- there was a fair bit of standing around and allowing breakaways. Sure their first names weren't "Traffic" and last names "Pylon"? You weren't napping, you looked square to the puck at all times. You had so crazy and weird bounces, none were helped by nobody taking the guy or guys in front of the net. That game could have been a lot uglier. You kept it from being a lot higher scoring, and the weird bounces should have been negated by your pylons, er, um D men. Don't be so hard on yourself, that's how it goes from being fun to being torture.
  2. Unless there is a coach, warm up will just be blokes winding up at the blue line or penalty shot dekes. I have had the pleasure of playing stick and puck with a coach who would shoot blocker side, then glove, then five hole and down low either side. 9/10 times, everybody loves to hear how hard their shot hits the plexiglass. If two wind up at the same time, I leave the net. If the same bloke keeps trying to deke in warm ups, I ignore him/her. They need us more than we need them.Until a veteran told me to not do the whole deke thing, I thought that was what is expected of me. It also drives me nuts that people start shooting the second I get to the crease, in which I need a second to rough my crease, do my shuffle warm ups, and then my slides. I take off my masque so I can do those things.
  3. Not only is goalie a thankless position, but I feel like we are the Rodney Dangerfields on the ice, especially when we become a shooting gallery. Warming a goalie up? What's that? Two guys shooting at the same time? Clappers from the hashmarks? Argh. But I'm thoroughly addicted to the position, none the less.
  4. Back in the old days of the clear Tuuks, a LOT of holders would be broken. I actually am in the habit of purchasing extra holders for player skates because of that. Also, it seems that when you like a particular holder, it becomes discontinued. In the case of replaceable runners, I never have fewer than three pair. I am doing that with my goal skates, as well. I call the holder and the cowling a cowling interchangeably as these days, the cowling and holder are one. I am actually old enough to remember when the cowling was riveted onto the boot underneath the blade. Just hope your broken holder is just a one-time phenomenon.
  5. The Brian's Smart Toe Straps are AWESOME. Yes, I have had issues with mine coming loose, but it's nothing that can't be fixed with tape. I can't recommend them enough. The newer cowlings are thinner, but more optimised for butterfly. It's brilliant that the entire skate is being replaced. Nothing is like the older ICM cowlings, but those were from when goalies got the cross-cut and didn't need sharpenings as often. and butterfly wasn't half the game (or more). Moulding some fibreglass around your cowlings wouldn't be a terrible idea if you play stand up (one must allow for the boot strap and toe straps through, making holes for each), but you probably had a freak accident with yours. I have built a LOT of fibreglass onto my skates as a defenceman. I am playing my last time before surgery next wednesday on my heels. I was starting to get a teeny bit better, only having an 8.5 GAA LOL!!!!
  6. @badger_14 Nice pads! Nothing feels better than something you get to make dirty. Those are nice pads! @beedee What a haul you have made!!!
  7. " Dominik Hasek on a drunken bender" Priceless.
  8. wags- AWESOME first post. Your wisdom is something that needs to be here to boost some confidence. I am back and posting in this thread because at nearly 43 years young, I am a beginning goalie. First off, I will not even pretend that I am going to be any good. If I end up with a 5.00 GAA by the time I have done this for a few years, I will be quite chuffed! I decided to start goal because I like the cool gear. Actually, it is because I have finally amassed the funds to buy the gear. In shinny, we will NEVER have good D-men. Even the good D-men have decided they want to try and do their best T.J. Oshie and treat shinny like a shoot out! Marty McDangles always tries to dangle everyone and the hapless, lesser-skilled players end up as the D-men (if they even know how to skate backwards). Furthermore, everybody pinches in too far in the zone and the one bloke who can skate cherry picks the break away. Gets mighty frustrating as a goalie... I will always give this advice as a beginning goalie to other beginner goalies: remember that DESPITE the fact you are letting in what you call a "soft goal", you have the TESTICULAR FORTITUDE to play goal. The D-men that should be wearing orange to signify their pylonitude DON'T HAVE THE BALLS to be goalies, let alone block shots or stand their ground at the blue line. Stand proud, and as wags sez: COUNT YOUR SAVES!!!! bunnyman out.
  9. Not quite proud of it, but not hating it either. As I had said before, I would have preferred to strip him clean of the puck with minimal contact. He was going full speed ahead with his head down. Normally, he is pretty cocky. He turns it up to 11 most days.
  10. Highlight reel hit in pick up today. I didn't even intend on making a hit, but this cat was trying hard for the net and I was going to try to deter him. I would have preferred a clean poke check. His head was down, and I stood my ground. A collective " oh shit!!!" and taps on my benches dashers resulted. We were both down, but he was flat on his ass and I was up before him. I extended a hand for him; sportsmanship can be extended after a clean hit. My game improved afterwards; as far as the young man I hit, his head was nowhere near the game for the remaining time. Poor bastard.
  11. As grumpy as a forced washer/dryer pair purchase has made me, I am happy that I can FINALLY get washers and dryers almost advanced as they are back home ;)
  12. The pick ups are good, the brass blocks for trems are good, even their Floyd Rose is good (as I have it on good authority that it's basically the same one that came on the Peavey Wolfgang), but the tuners I got from GFS are meh. I just wonder if anyone has any experience with the Earl Slick guitars, but I am thinking I have to be the first. I'm thinking I'd rather buy a Gibson LP faded special or Melody Maker for a "cheap" guitar.
  13. My local rink was "closed for maintenance" on the first week of July. There is still a hole on the rubber floor on one bench, the ice is fair to poor, and one can barely see the markings. Me thinks that nothing happened that entire week.
  14. I suspect the VT testing protocols will go through a fair bit of tweaking. I adapted my cycles to failure testing for bicycle parts and frames from various industries, and it took a few engineering students to adpat the tests to apply correctly, but I was able to reliably test items accurately.I would hope that all were working amongst the same lines, but I am an idealist. But the "fresh eyes" approach seems like it would make everybody better.
  15. I would think that the only motivation that the CSA and HECC would have is to protect players. I believe that is the motive of both testing schemes, and would be the motive of the VT testing scheme. You know the old expression "this needs a fresh set of eyes", right? I think all could benefit from a third party. That being said, I think all testing concerns could learn from each other and would help protect players. That is why these concerns were created, right?
  16. Has anyone checked out the GFS Earl Slick guitars? The price looks right. I have tried lots of GFS parts and liked them a LOT. First, I gots to pay off the washing machine and get goalie stuff first.
  17. When did a washer/dryer pair cost $1600 ON SALE!?!?!? Please pray for me to win the lottery or something.
  18. Facking washing machine called it a day. When it rains it facking pours.
  19. Draining, acid washing, and painting my bloody pool. 'nuff said.
  20. As a person who has cared for a chronically ill spouse for the better part of the last ten years, I have had a few of the same feelings you have had, particularly with feeling selfish with the emotions. I did realise something- you need to take care of yourself so that you can be strong for your friend. Have a cry, get it out, vent, and you will be stronger for your friend. Do take care of yourself and know that you and your friend will be in my prayers.
  21. I have decided to publicly forgive some former band mates.
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