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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by masterpirate13

  1. sick MIA's man....I'm definately going to steal that pattern. The split cuff throws them off the chain!
  2. We're working on them B) You've been beat. Pure Hockey already has custom all white pants with a colored stripe down the side.
  3. Helmet: mission carbster with a jofa chrome cage. It works out well for me. Shoulders: nothing baby Elbow: some pair of koho's. They are alright. Gloves: ghost white vapor XV. they fit real well, and look sick! pants: graf pants...not sure which ones: i love em. skates: old school bauer supreme 5000, trying to decide whether i want Kor's, synergies, or just to grab a pair of grafs when we get our stock in. stick: pro stock response xn10 bought from Marcelo. I love the stick...awesome!!! synergy SL...i use my xn10 more, but still a great feel to it. montreal nitro 8500, pretty good feel, very solid/durable stick. and waiting to get my warranty stealth back, yeh it was a pain in the ass...but i like the stick, it feels good to me.
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