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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ulf

  1. mako II skate holder snap.. watching a good vid and i came across it. ff to around 1:05.....but the whole vid is funny
  2. that might be true. dunno what constitutes cool for youth>college...outside of cage, cage color or hang. (my son is 1of 2 kids on the team that doesn't have a white cage..lol) i guess these alien looking skates could be perceived as uncool from a kids/teens... unless it's just a brand thing..which is lol...my son won't drink the kirkland brand vitamin water but he swears by the original vitamin brand version. pretty sure they're made for costco by vitamin water. marketing/brands and consumer psychology is pretty amazing..
  3. 2 years of peewee and 1 year of bantam youth hockey only yielded me seeing 2 other pairs. and one pair was at a clinic. i don't think mako is getting to the youth the way they should....nor do i think they care.
  4. just purchased this for 15 on sale. i told my son i was going to put it on his skates. i asked him if he noticed anything about the feel of his skates the last time out (him knowing i was going to put it on and it arrived a week previous)...he said yes....but i didn;t put anything on last time out.......lol @ placebo effect. it's going on tonight. i dunno if this is a good move as his 1st day tryouts are happening. we will see, and i will ask him again how his skates feel.. they were just sharpened.
  5. good news is that bauer should be ramping up for improved safety because of this report whether it's a modification of the re-akt or a new helmet altogether..or both i think a third party safety co. should test every manufactures helmet
  6. has anybody stretched their mako's to make them 1/2 size larger? can this even be done?
  7. skates were made to a shallower ROH. it's better now, but it's not completely there yet. still occasional chatter. more steel was removed. what doi i do next?
  8. is the initial sharping and lack of steel from the middle back going to mess me up completely? and can there be anything to correct it, .if the shallower hollow doesn't work?
  9. i'm just looking for help. I don;t know if i'm right in saying that....the hollow fix i just got may or may not change things (hope so). how much do you people think the shop take off w/ the initial sharpening?..everyone tells me the step black steel is suppose to be bigger than the mako..mine arrived smaller and smaller going to the back...i didn't tell them to profile them. just sharpen to 1/2.
  10. they are? i put them on top of one another and their virtually the same. interested to hear more from you..the top/bottom pic makes them seem very different, though..but it's an illusion. i just took them to my local store and told them of my problem and pretty much a hockey person w/ many years experience made the hollow lighter. same guy fixed them when i took another pair of original mako in when they were butchered by another person and took the toe off. wow.....u got use to something funky. how did you arrive at that point to find out you preferred it?
  11. purchased and sharpened from hockey lion the differences seem to be very small from the mako and step steel as for mako being top, top steel..i haven;t been as lucky as some people i guess. if i can get 6hrs out of them i was lucky. as for shaving them down. i was incorrect, as the mako is bigger..so shaving them down isn;t the awnser. it would only make them smaller. is the black steel suppose to be like this..or did hockey lion take off too much? here is a pic..and vid below it look how deceiving the first pic looks here is a vid of the step and mako on top of one another View My Video
  12. no...not rink conditions.. maybe the composition of some step batches are different than others. i see that some people have this problem and others do not. it had initial sharpening to 1/2 but the chatter and turning in them made them a mess to use. now i'm in a holding pattern with them could it be that the steel and edge is so much stronger than the mako steel that it kicks up the snow and making doing thing much harder. and is it the shape, which i don;t think is that far off, but it does get larger in size from the middle to heel compared to the mako original should i take this approach 1- sharpen to lighter hollow or 2-shave them to match the steel already on will try and post pics of them and the mako steel.
  13. you had problems with the the black step on your makos?
  14. ty..i compared the step to the mako steel and the height actually favors the mako. but the mako's radius is shorter moving to the back (around <1/8"), which hopefully is causing it like you say.
  15. just picked up a pair of the black step for the mako. they're not any bigger than the mako steel height wise. I have a problem with them though,...and i don;t know what it is or what to do. when I was skating on them I had problems stopping cleanly. it had a choppy stop all over the ice. are the skates sharpened too much? this step steel also attracts snow like a magnet ..reason?
  16. i just looked at the steel very carefully and this is in fact think my son's problem...the toe is very rockered now ty smcgreg for pointing me in this direction
  17. thank you. i never thought of this. and it could very well be the problem. they've been sharpened quite a bit since july, and it only recently started happening. he also had a couple of bad sharpening's during that time and they had to be re-done. i'd say we have 20+ on them and i noticed that they're pretty mucked up . i've also noticed that just recently they can't seem to hold an edge either.
  18. maybe this is a pitch problem? if it is, why is it just happening now?
  19. my pee wee son has been skating on the makos since july. what i recently noticed is that he seems to be stumbling more the past few games. at first it was due to ice conditions and the edge on the blade, but now i'm not sure that it was the only problem. i had them do almost a 3/8 hollow and it still happened. is it possible that the boots are breaking down? or maybe not being in an aggressive enough skating position?,..he hunches too much being a taller pee wee...when he gets low and bends his knees he's one of the quickest on his team. but he doesn't always do this. also..he's a size 7.5 pushing 8 sneaker and he's still wears a 5EE skate..i'm waiting for the day he says, it doesn't fit or it creates a problem for him..and it hasn't happened yet. maybe it's because the skates aren't tied tight enough?.. i don't know what the root of the problem is, but it has happened more as he tried to increase his quickness and speed...getting feedback from him is still hard to do as to "why" things are going down like they are. also,... almost 15 games into the season and i haven;t seen any other kids wearing makos.
  20. still going strong w/ size 5 EE and my son is pushing a size 8w sneaker. the skates have obviously loosened up for him w/ clinics, but he hasn't been sktking 4 times a week yet, and i dunno if he will have any problems like people have encountered here, but he likes them tight, and he wanted another pair for his next size......we're on the clock with this size..so much so that i had to buy adult size 6 EE to have as a quick backup........it pains me....... even on sale at $399...
  21. my son first tested these out at a stick and puck session. things seemed to go okay, but he then wanted to use them in an euro skills clinic for 2hrs instead of his older easton skates. the kid was falling all over the place trying to keep up. i hope this doesn't continue
  22. what is the bake time for this skate? do i set the oven for 200 and when it reaches that turn it off when i put the skates in? or put both in and literally bake them w/o turning the oven off for up to 16 minutes?
  23. has anybody seen any youth travel or high school kids use this skate? my area is pretty wealthy and i've still only seen the skate once. bauer seemed to be on over 90% of the kids
  24. can anyone else confirm this as well?....
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