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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Indo16

  • Birthday July 10


  • Skates
    CCM Tacks 5092
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Covert
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Vapor X100
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Vapor X3.0
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM RBZ 110
  • Pants
    Bauer Vapor X100
  • Helmet
    Bauer IMS 9.0
  • Gloves
    Warrior Covert QRL Pro
  • Stick
    Warrior Dynasty HD3

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  1. Has anyone heard about when these are supposed to come out? When these videos were initially released they said July 21st. I've checked with local and online shops and they said CCM hasn't informed them of a release date yet. I reached out to CCM and they were pretty vague and just said later this summer. I wonder why there's a delay.
  2. I used to use a sharpie to help make sure the blade and wheel are lined up. I'll try it the next time I switch hollows.
  3. When I first switched to FBV I was skating on 5/8" ROH so I went with a 90/1. I've done well with it for the past year, but I think I want to try something with a little more bite. What is the difference in feel between a 95/75 and a 100/50? Chadd, I think you said you put most of your guys on 95/75. What is their range in size? I'm 5'10" and fluctuate between 170 and 176 lbs. Nowhere near me does FBV, so I can't do a test run, and Blackstone's shipping cost or $150 minimum makes it pricey to try something I may not even like. And $68 is pretty pricey to begin with. Also, when switching between hollows (going from ROH to FBV or FBV to different FBV) how many total passes should I do to make sure I've completely changed it? I have an X-01.
  4. Thanks Chiefs17. I played around with the balance and the waves aren't so bad anymore, and like you said, the final pass with oil smooths them out really well. Has anyone used the X01 to sharpen a brand new set of skates that have never been sharpened? Is there any difference? Do you have any tips?
  5. I've had the X01 for almost two months now, and I've been getting good results with the orange wheel. I switched to the ruby wheel and I'm still getting even edges, but I'm seeing waves in the hollow. I try hard to keep even, steady pressure for each pass, and it feels and sounds like I am. The waves are mostly smoothed away with the final, oiled pass, and skating doesn't seem to be negatively affected. But seeing those waves is discouraging and I'm assuming waves in the hollow means there's some sort of unevenness in the edges that I can't detect by sight or feel. This might be fine for a beer-leaguer like me, but I don't want to be unwittingly hampering my six-year-old son's development as a skater. Any tips or suggestions for the ruby wheel?
  6. Thanks for finding this post for me, chiefs17. It was very informative.
  7. Just got an X01 and tried FBV for the first time. I've only skated a few times but I really like the difference ( I went with a 90/1). And after sharpening a few skates, I have to say I enjoy the process almost as much as I enjoy playing hockey. It's kind of therapeutic. Was I supposed to get a calibration block for the tri-lie holder? Can anyone tell me the measurement of this block so I can re-calibrate my holder, or offer any calibration tips? I read through all 130 pages of posts leading up to my purchase, and I don't remember seeing anything about recalibration. I messed around with the pitch too much and it might be easier to restart from the factory settings than trial and error with witness marks and an edge checker.
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