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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Graf 709
  • Helmet
    Bauer 5100

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  • Location
    Bellingham, WA

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  1. When I played minor hockey back in the early and mid-80's, you HAD to have long Cooperalls or you were looked at as some sort of dweeb. CCM had their system out at that time as well called Pro Pac. Pro Pac evolved into the Ultra Pac, in which the upper part of the system was similar to the current style of hockey pants but they had zippers at the knees, to which you could attach the fabric to make them long pants. Yes, you could wear them long or short! I believe Christian had a similar product as well, because a guy I played Midget with who had moved out from Minnesota wore it. I can easliy see how the top part of the CCM Ultra Pac evolved into their Supra pants. Considering where hockey pants were prior, I have a hard time accepting Cooperalls as a bust. Anyone remember when you ordered your hockey pants 6" larger than your waist size for freedom of movement and the only real hard padding was the thighs, tailbone, and kidneys (sort of)? The hip padding was just foam.
  2. Blue A at Burnaby 8-Rinks! Recognized it right away. What sort of toe caps do you have on your skates? Is that a custom deal? Oh, just went back to see my "new friends" at Ultimate Edge this past Friday. I got a super deal on a pair of Bauer 8090s that a kid barely used for less than a month down in the Bay Area. Took them up there to have them contoured to the same profile as my current skates. Hope to pick them up next Friday and head to the Giants game if there's a Game 5 vs. PG.
  3. Here's one of me outside during a rare cold snap: and here's one of me officating:
  4. Helmet: Bauer 4000 Cage: Itech RBE III Shoulder Pads: Jofa 8800 Elbow Pads: Jofa 8044 Shin Pads: Jofs 6090 Pants: Bauer 3000 Gloves: Bauer BDP Skates: Bauer 8090 Stick 1: Easton Synergy Si-Core Stick 2: Easton Ultra Lite Shaft w/Sakic Focus Flex Blade Stick 3: Easton T-Flex w/Sakic Pro Blade Bag: Team Canada roller bag I bought at a Costco up in British Columbia Undergear: Old Rush Limbaugh "Ditto Head" t-shirt I got for free from a radio station . Hey, it was FREE! I had to put it to use for something! ;)
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