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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Matt18

  • Birthday 12/28/1981


  • Skates
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa 9096
  • Elbow Pads
    Jofa 9177 and 9144
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    CCM V8
  • Gloves
    Warrior Franchise
  • Stick
    Bauer TotalOne

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  • Location
    Seattle WA
  • Gender

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  1. The inside of my right skate as starting to see like the Carbon is breaking down. Should I be concerned about this? Any thoughts on why this is happening?
  2. Thanks all for the input. One last question.. If I find a stock size to go with and stay with the injected laces do you guys see any reason to pay the extra $200 dollars for custom?
  3. I think the whole experience was complete garbage. I was at outdoor tourney with the boys and everyone said the same thing. "Get that crap off the screen so we can see the actual play".
  4. Also when I got scanned I was standing more upright than a slight knee bend do you think this could have impacted my scan?
  5. The scan suggested the Standard D width in the Supreme line . That is why I'm scratching my head a bit..
  6. So it is that time for new skates as my mx3 are getting a bit old and I was thinking of pulling the trigger on some custom 2s Pro skates but had a few question prior to pulling the trigger. 3d Foot scan accuracy: I currently wear 11.5 - 12 shoes and current skate in a 10D skate. I have got my feet scan multiple times and they say I'm in a 9D stock skate. (tech 8.75 on my left and an 8.25 on right). I have never been a scrunch my toes touch on the front of the skates but I find it very hard to believe I"m a 8.5 and 8 skates when I have 11.5/12 shoes. Liners: Trying to figure out of I should go the grip liner or the stock liner, any pros versus cons of one vs the other? Also does anyone know if you can get the extra tongue wear pads on the side with the grip liner. Tongue: Does anyone have any feedback on the new tongues on the 2S pro / 1x skates and their mold ability. I run my tongues under my shins so I could go with a smaller tongue but I am interested in the increased shot protection that the flex / reflex pro tongue might provide. Eyelets: I think I'm pretty set on the going with the standard eyelets versus the injected due to durability and repair since I want these to be the last skates I buy. Unless anyone can provide a convincing reason to go with the injection eyelets. Thanks to all for the input.
  7. Helmet: NBH 4000 and Mission Intake Visor: Oakley Pro Straight Small Shoulders: NA, IF Needed Easton Z air Elbows: Jofa 9750 Gloves NBH Pro 4 Roll Pants: RBK 8K Shins: Jofa 9750 Skates: Bauer 8090 Sticks: Famouse Blue, Winwell G500, NBH XX
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