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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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19 Good

About NJPhil

  • Birthday 02/19/1975


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor 2X
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 16K
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM RBZ 130
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM RBZ 90
  • Pants
    Warrior QRE Pro Girdle
  • Helmet
    CCM Tacks 710
  • Gloves
    Eagle Aero Pro
  • Stick
    Bauer Nexus

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  1. Office will be in Maitland. Looking for a house in Maitland or WP, hoping to keep the commute to under 15 minutes with an option to bike.
  2. Thanks for the offer, but we have an area lined up north of the city. I'll definitely have to checkout the Solar Bears and will be making trips to TB when the Rangers come to town.
  3. Being relocated to Orlando from NY for work, so long state income tax, ridiculous property tax and winter Hockey related - rink is < 2 miles from my new office and they have a draft league so I don't even have to look for a team.
  4. My company sponsored 5 of us to play a charity tournament on an outdoor sheet next weekend
  5. Took a two handed "shove" as I was going into the corner to dig out the puck in open hockey and hit the boards pretty hard. Luckily I got my feet cleared to prevent an ankle injury, my right knee took the impact and is two sizes larger than normal and very tender. This would have been a penalty in league play and clearly uncalled for in open hockey. This was an hour and 25 minutes into a 90 minute session so I got a good skate in and doesn't look to be anything serious.
  6. You can get your existing steel profiled, unless you were planning on switching steel or there is not much life left on your existing steel.
  7. My thoughts exactly when I heard this morning, still a bummer though.
  8. I paid ~ $33 to have my skates profiled (dual radius) and that includes a FBV sharpening.
  9. Working for the third Saturday in a row with no OT or comp time
  10. Just getting back on the ice after a 10+ year layoff and Got rid of all of my equipment last fall during a move. My 6 yo daughter had been asking me to take her skating and being back on the ice got the itch to play going. After wearing the cheap plastic rental skates with a toe pick one time I quickly went to the local Hockey Monkey and got some new skates. I have been slowly accumulating my gear and got the final piece yesterday, now I'm ready to hit the ice again. Helmet: Bauer 7500 w/ cage Shoulder: CCM RBZ 90 Elbow: CCM RBZ 130 Gloves: Reebok 4-Roll Ultra Pants: Reebok 16K Shins: Reebok 16K Skates: CCM RBZ 80 Sticks: CCM Ribcor 28K Bauer Nexus 4000 Signed up for an instructional league designed for experienced players getting back in the game, should be a good way to find some people in the same boat as me and hopefully lead to a league or team in the Spring.
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