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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. you a fan of the pirates i see, or player? haha
  2. haha this time i was going to go in side first but some guy fell on me and turned me, the other ankle is fully healed and I am not having any problems with that
  3. after starting this topic over 6 months ago with a left ankle break, i'm at it again.. Tonight on the same exact kind of play i went feet first into the boards and broke my RIGHT ankle.. hairline fracture, don't know how long the recovery will be until tomorrow-ish http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/1252/jananklemx5.jpg http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/2104/janankle2lb8.jpg
  4. Do you play for pingree?? because we just played Kents Hill and North Yarmouth Acadmeny this weekend and i think pingree is in the same league as them. my friend is the goalie for NYA, he is USA-17/18 recruit and QMJHL recruit as well. what team are you?
  5. any video of the goal? the one on the blues website doesnt load on macs
  6. it's been awesome, the only time i really thought about it was the first time i got on skates after the cast came off, but other than that its like i never broke it same for me, except i had to wait a couple months to sakte for the first time i have a game later today, we'll see how it goes yeah i skated the day i got my cast off haha
  7. it's been awesome, the only time i really thought about it was the first time i got on skates after the cast came off, but other than that its like i never broke it
  8. couldn't find this link through the thread so here it is showing him after practice and talking to fans..
  9. yeah I'm lucky I got his autograph last November
  10. Do you think Perron will end up with Lewiston this season?
  11. im shocked Bernier isnt the goalie
  12. im still pretty swollen 3 weeks after i was cleared
  13. yeah the bottom of my foot and balls of my foot are in alot of pain. Also the muscle on the opposite side of my achilles is really sore (front of foot)
  14. thats exactly what my break was, i had my final appointment 7 weeks after and i was cleared to do anything, i played hockey that night, went out for warm ups i could skate fine but stopping was awful, no muscle so i just skated in between shifts...
  15. Just was cleared to play hockey today, seven weeks since breaking my ankle. Not too bad.
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