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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by SyracuseBulldogs04

  1. whbd18 those do look really nice, i have a question though how did you do that? Did you just like take a felt tounge and then stitch the rbk part of the tounge on it or did you just find a pro stock tounge somewhere?
  2. The AK27 is not a combo actually, it's fused like the Dolomite / 1100. It's noticably lighter than the Dolomites I have (in fact it's lighter than my XN10s), but I find the shaft vibrates a little more and has a little less pop. Remember though, these are pro sticks so they're not comparable to the retail versions. You wouldnt be willing to sell that would you?
  3. I have a question to...Which stick do you like better the ak 27 shaft/blade combo or your dolomite?
  4. hey sdcopp on your 5500's are those chasis stock or did you do something to them or swap them out for something else? The reason I ask this is because the chasis look more white then on other pictures of the skates I've seen on other websites.
  5. Sorry for this as i know that the One90's have so many threads, but off the top off someone's head what would i be wearing in the One90's if i wear a 11.5 d in a Vapor XXX?
  6. update: 1 black ccm/jofa 480 cage 2 vector v110's
  7. Some of my equipment being used this season.... Helmet: Nike 004 Visor: Oakley Combo Shoulders: Easton Air II (older version, i love them) Elbows: Easton Air Gloves: Eagle x80 pro stocks w/goatskin palms Breezers: Tackla Pro Light's Jock: Easton Synergy Jock Shin Guards: Rbk 8k's Skates: Bauer Vapor xxx, Bauer Vapor xx(back up pair) Sticks: Rbk pro stock 6k standard shaft w/Rbk 5k blade, Rbk pro stock 7k
  8. #94 how did you get custom xxx's? ps they look great
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