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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nyhockey6 last won the day on October 20 2013

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1 Neutral

About nyhockey6

  • Birthday 06/06/1980


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor XX (Ice) Easton Z-Airs w/Mission chassis (Roller)
  • Hockey Bag
    Eagle Pro Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer 8000
  • Elbow Pads
    Sherwood Classic
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sherwood Classic
  • Pants
    Easton Synergy Girdle
  • Helmet
    Mission Carbster with Oakley Pro Aviator Visor
  • Gloves
    Pro Stock Easton (CBJ Colors)
  • Stick
    Anything with a Drury'ish Pattern

Profile Information

  • Location
    Moon Township, Pennsylvania
  • Gender

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  1. Sorry but I'm not looking to trade them

  2. Hey man are you up for a trade on your blue/yellow eastons? i have a pair of franchise in black carbon i would trade. their 15inch. im looking for that type of mitt in those colors for a team. let me know thanks.

  3. Love it dude, I went to it from Mission 75 Pants. Huge difference for the better
  4. Here are my sticks Tom Poti Easton Aluminum with Z-Bubble Graphics w/ Kovalev Pattern Warrior Blade RBK 8k Crosby Pattern with Grip CCM V10.0 Ovechkin Pattern with Grip Easton Synergy SL Drury Pattern Easton S17 Drury Pattern My Gear Vapor XX Skates Pro Stock CCM Vector Bucket with Oakley Tinted Visor Bauer 8000 Shins Easton Synergy Girdle Easton Pro Stock Gloves Sherwood Classic Shoulders Bauer Elbows
  5. The Opening act at Live Earth in NJ yesterday was pretty good, his name is Kenna. I downloaded one of his songs when I got home last night, it's called Out of Control
  6. Gloves: Black Game Worn Ramzi Abid Easton's (The Back Rolls and Fingers are Nylon and the Cuff and Thumb are Leather) and Pro Stock NYR Easton's (All Nylon). Waiting for another pair of Easton's that are the same style as the NYR ones but in Buffalo Sabres Colors. Helmets: Mission Carbster with a Heatley'ish Half Shield and Mission Intake with a Oakley Pro Straight with Vents Skates: Easton Z-Air's with Sure Grip Frames Shin Guards: Bauer 8000 and Custom Northland Everything Else: Sherwood Classic Shoulders, CCM Junior Elbows (I don't like the feel of senior ones for some reason) and Easton Air Pants I forgot pictures of my Ice Skates and Sticks, maybe another time....
  7. I'm impartial to Demarini since I know someone who works for them. I have a Vexxum and love it.
  8. Ah I'll update my list Skates: Ice: Bauer Vapor XX Roller: Easton Z-Air's with Sure-Grip Chassis Gloves: Easton Pro Stock NYR Colors Easton Pro Stock PIT Colors Sticks: CCM Vector 10.0 Ovechkin Curve Reebok 6K Pro Stock (Druryish curve) Bauer Vapor XX Maxx Stick'Um Kovalchuk Curve Easton Synergy ST Drury Curve Easton Synergy Grip (Old Vegas Gold) Drury Curve Easton Tom Poti Aluminium with Inno Kovalev Blade Easton Ultra Lite with Hull Pro Blade Ballistik OPS (Modanoish Curve) Helmets: Mission Carbster (Black) with Heatley type visor Mission Intake (White) with Oakley Visor Pants: Easton Air Shoulder: Sherwood Classic Elbows: Old School Coopers (nice and small) Shins: Easton Air
  9. Here is some of what I'm listening to Juke Kartel Ready In 10 Babyshambles The Clarks Hellogoodbye Jeff Buckley Ok Go Plain White T's Robert Randolph and The Family Band Silversun Pickups Stereophonics (kinda known but not that much in the US)
  10. Here is my stuff Gloves Helmets Roller Stuff
  11. I'm impartial to Demarini stuff since my brother works for them. I was able to take some swings with an eVo and a vexxum 10. Both killer bats, the eVo is a slo-pitch bat and the vexxum is for fast pitch.
  12. Helmet: Bauer 8000 Visor: Itech Pro Wave Elbow pads: Old School Coopers (nice and small) Gloves: Ramzi Abid Game Used Black Nylon Easton's, NYR Easton Pro 4400's and Eagle X-70 Black and White Pro Glo's Pants: Easton Air Shin pads: Easton Air Shoulders: Hespeler Classic (Lace up style) Ice Skates: Z-Airs Inline Skates: Easton Air's with Kuzak Split Frame Chasis Sticks: Carter M-1 (Weird thing is it's marked Gaborik), Drury Old Gold Grip Synergy, Z-Bubble Grip with Pro Hull Blade and Pro Return Tom Poti Aluminum w/ Z-Bubble Graphics with Koho Poti Blade
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