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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Dman692420

  1. I went to eBay and found the ST steel. The place shipped to USA. I'm know the others may be better but I have Sparx so easy for me to touch up.
  2. Cooperalls in the 70's early 80's. They were awesome.
  3. I've had mine almost 1yr now & sharpen about 10 dif peoples skates, 1 of them being kid that was just skating last month at a ushl camp in Chicago. It's reliable, and an awesome sharpening! My only problem is the aligning ring can be tough to dial in with bad eye sight..
  4. I have seen the black step steel for lightspeed edge on eBay for sale & venders will ship to the USA. I Just ordered the regular steel for the edge holder 2 months apart from 2 dif vendors. Didn't want to spend the extra $ on black since I have sparx and can sharpen regularly. Well worth the 65$ + 15$ shipping, was still cheaper then 99$ for crapy Bauer steel.
  5. My lhs has messed up my 1/2fbv too many times for me to count & the purchase of my Sparx was worth the $. I skated on the 1/2" fire and was a little to choppy during stops but had great edge on cut & turns. I went to 5/8" fire and the chop is gone and the cut & turns are still just as good! I have the 3/4" fire but have yet to try as my legs are still weak from ACL surgery but can't wait to try! I sharpen friends skates with everything from 3/8 to 5/8 roh & they all love it. I will never skate anything else! Awesome machine
  6. Because it's Monday! It usually works for me.
  7. Are they doing away with online sales & forcing people to go to a lhs?
  8. How about the 80's & early 90's Sherwood MacInnis? Was a 5.5 lie & the Bauer P88 was similar to it. I will try to post pic.
  9. I just received my new VH about 2 weeks ago & I have the standard felt tongue & don't feel a thremo plastic in it.
  10. It does happen & I have done it a time or 2. On the rare occasion I did it the games get way out of hand with cheap shots and if I went to shake hands it would of been team brawl in beer league. Sometime it's better to just walk off, take a shower & start drinking! Full disclosure, usually next time we played the team, the games didn't get out of control & everybody shook hands. Id rather skip hand shake then get kicked out of league or rink for fighting, which is what the rink nazis will & have done where I play.
  11. Helmet Bauer ims9 elbow pads jofa 442, pants Ccm Supra buffalo sabers from 88', can't find ones I like, I just got some ccm hp35 & a pair ccm hp70( which ever I don't like get sold) shin Protection from 86-87' ( the best ever made) trying Ccm rbz to see if I want to replace the protections Gloves stx stallion500 skates mx3 & now in process of updating to VH sticks a large assortment of bauer, totalone, vapor x60, mx3 , 1s in everything from 77-102 flexes
  12. I was wondering if anybody else ordered skates at beginning of year? I know they busy but they never responded to any of my emails, but got an email today saying my new skates should be to me Tuesday. Is this standard for them?
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