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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by BenBreeg

  1. 1 hour ago, VegasHockey said:


    Like in most sale associate roles, workers are spoon-fed that upselling is for the benefit of the customer, hence why Pure will try to sell customers skate insoles and "Level 2" sharpening. 

    I first saw the sharpening level sign last month.  I really had to try and figure out what the hell it was even trying to say…

    I still drive 30 minutes to get them hand sharpened by the figure skating guru in town.  $9 and he just raised his price from $5 which it was for like 10 years.  We are lucky to have him and Binnie although both are far from me and Binnie is drop off only so that makes two round trips.

  2. TBH, buying footbeds separate seems like an upsell when you are in the store.  If their position is the skate would be best with it, the skate should come with it, especially as you get to the higher price points.

    when my son was in youth and junior skates, the Pure associate would automatically bring over Superfeet and try to upsell them.  So a parent is buying $200ish skates and here comes a kid telling them, “they really should get these because the stock footbed isn’t that good”, by the way, that adds another 25% to your total.

  3. I still work out.  Advil will help with pain but doesn’t prevent the 

    I do backwards and forwards sled dragging, single leg movements like step ups, rear elevated split squats, curtsy squats, some other single leg squat variations.  Lots of side planks, banded side walks as well.

  4. I see a lot of kids on the ice, 90% of them are in mid level skates.  Some below.  I have never seen a kid skate and attributed any shortcoming to their skates.

    i do see a lot of kids with no ability to get on their outside edges on get any kind of forward shin angle.  They have their skates cranked and it’s like from the knee down they are an action figure, the ankle doesn’t move.

    my son is almost 13, a good skater, and is in the age where kids are enamored by high end sticks and skates.  I could afford it but I won’t buy him top end skates.

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  5. 18 minutes ago, Radien55 said:

    Yes that is how it works.

    If you have a blade in front of you, put it on a table with a pen under the middle of the blade, then move the pen back 20mm and see how the front of the blade falls forward.

    Yeah, I understand that, how they state it in the chart was a little weird.  The pivot point would be -20mm which would cause the forward pitch but they label the column pitch and the value is actually the pivot point adjustment.

  6. To add, if after skating for a while all you feel is off is the pitch, you can get a shim put in for cheaper than profiling and if it isn’t the issue it’s easily reversible.

    Getting profile recommendations on the internet, even from knowledgeable people who have never seen you skate isn’t a high percentage endeavor.

  7. Like has been pointed out, at this point it’s not really about tech, it’s about a company trying take over share in a relatively fixed size market.  And when you look at the TAM/SAM/SOM, there’s probably not a lot of room there.  The video said CCM came in and basically forced them out of some markets.  It’s a huge uphill battle, probably more akin to scaling a cliff face under fire.

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  8. 7 hours ago, xstartxtodayx said:

    That Hockey Tutorial guy will endorse anything for the right price, he has no shame lol, I stopped watching his stuff after the whole charity scandal and just getting tired of biased reviews.  He doesn't hold a candle to Hills' "Hockey Reviews" page in terms of reviews.  With that off my chest, I did enjoy the Graf video, my 705's I got in the mid 90's were my favorite skates I ever owned, partially because the brand had so much history and just stood out over Bauer/CCM at the time (it was like going for a Porsche over a Ford), and partially because they just felt so good on my feet.  I haven't seen or tried any of their new offerings but they'll always have a place in my heart. 

    Yeah, I stopped watching Hockey Tutorials years ago.

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  9. I aM considering a manual one as well, maybe I am a nerd but I like the thought of everything that goes into doing it right.  Was in Johnstown last week and stopped by the shop where Dana Heinze sharpens.  Nobody was there and he spent like 45 minutes talking to us about sharpening and the Pens.  I kind of nerded out.  I love that stuff.

    I guess it’s between Wissota and Blademaster?  What about the EZ Sharp machine?  I don’t hear that mentioned much.

  10. I looked at my foot last night and my tongue on the foot that pronates twists slightly out, but that is also due in part to my high instep and lack of volume there.  Yours look better in that respect than mine but I also wonder, if you feel good with two pairs of socks, maybe the skate is too big?  I can’t imagine having that much “padding”.

  11. Just to add, I have those same skates.  My first pair I was a little too aggressive on sizing.  Got 9s for about an 11 1/2 foot.  I experienced some irritation on my ankle bone because it was too far forward in the ankle pocket.  Ribcores are not real deep and don’t wrap much.  Moving to a 9 1/2 solved the ankle issue.

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