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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CRupp13 last won the day on June 28 2018

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Community Reputation

28 Good

1 Follower

About CRupp13

  • Birthday October 10


  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme one90
  • Hockey Bag
    Custom JRZ
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer APX2
  • Elbow Pads
    Warrior Dynasty HD1
  • Shoulder Pads
    Reebok 6K with retro CCM caps (Franken Pads)
  • Pants
    Warrior Dynasty Girdle
  • Helmet
    CCM Fitlite/Reebok 11K
  • Gloves
    Warrior AX1
  • Stick
    Warrior Getzlaf custom "QRL"

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Hockey, Coaching Hockey, Cars (Specifically my 91 Camaro)
  • Location
    Long Island, NY
  • Gender

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  1. I'm a big fan of skate fenders. Used by a lot of NHL teams. I've been using them for a while. You can find them on sidelineswap used sometimes, or you can buy through the site directly.
  2. I also have a pair of frankenpads, I took the body of a pair of Rbk 6K Pro and took all the arm and caps off. I then sewed on a pair of caps that came off a pair of CCM 1899 shoulder pads. The chest on the ccms had less protection than the sherwood pads which is crazy to think possible. I love my frankenpads now!
  3. Whats a schedule? Both Men's teams that I play on in NY, in 2 separate leagues mind you, only give their individual games out 2-3 weeks in advance. We never get a full season schedule.
  4. I'll be honest, I've been scorekeeping for 21 years now, and you can only be as accurate, in most cases, as the Ref cares to be. I scorekeep High School level and half the time I'm not truly paying full attention. I go by what the ref is telling me the goals and assists are. Most times I'll be lucky they give 1 assist and half the time its probably not accurate.
  5. The black alternates were terrible, but that was the Barclays mgmt decision to try and keep them in sync with the Nets. From what I'm hearing, its going to be a predominantly orange jersey with the NY from the stadium series jerseys. Love the Coyotes throwbacks! Canucks is great too, this was a fan vote though. They let them decide what the 3rd jersey would be for their anniversary season.
  6. There hasn't been anything good for the Islanders organization in a long time, and the fisherman is a reminder of probably the worst time this franchise has ever gone through. With Tavares leaving at the beginning of the summer, the team needs something new, not a reminder of something really bad.
  7. I really do love all these throwbacks. I'm sure the Islanders will find a way to royally screw it up since there really is no throwback option. For those of you who will say something, no the fisherman is NOT an option.
  8. As someone who has worked for the county HS league for the last 20ish years, I've seen all numbers of talented people come through, and almost none of them have gone on to play even DIII college, let alone DI. I can literally count on 1 hand the number of kids who played Varsity Hockey and then went on to play NCAA college. There have been plenty who have gone on to play College Club, but NCAA level, just doesn't happen. Like it has been said throughout this thread, if a kid is going to go somewhere, they will have been noticed and already be there. Sonny Milano came from Massapequa, NY. Our HS league had no idea who this kid even was because he never played a single game in it. He was already gone and in Cleveland playing by the time he was 15 years old.
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