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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I have the hockeyshot revolution tiles. I’m not a big fan for skating or puck glide. Its ok for both, but does not excel in either. Very nice to have to borders and the versatility of small tiles, however I would look at other synthetic ice manufacturers. Something to think about: I was just like you thinking I would strap on skates all the time, but I haven’t since I first got the tiles. If I were to do it again I’d get some dryland with great puck glide.
  2. Step is a great runner - both the V steel and Blacksteel. Precise width down the runner on my calipers, doesn't bur much, and from my understanding as about as straight as they come for a runner. I run the blacksteels personally and never had a problem getting them in and out of multiple Tuuk Edge holders. I take them out of the runners to sharpen on the sparx all the time.
  3. Damn, I didn't know they stopped selling the cross grinder, just thought they were OOS. I should have bought the ring when I had the chance. Now I need it and have to drive to a lhs.
  4. Wouldn't more blade on the ice make him faster or glide better with the Mars? Less agile, I understand that.
  5. You're right, I should re-state that I'm speaking from experience solely in my area - MD/DC/NoVA. Also, I may not be privy to other mail in sharpeners that do FBV and with the rep of no-icing.
  6. I gave FBV a serious shot for months. Sent in runners numerous times to NoIcing so I know I was getting a quality cut. I went back to roh and was a stronger skater although I could feel the slight loss of glide. Then I got a sparx sharpener and have been pleased the FIRE cut. For me, The feeling FIRE gave me on my skates was in-between FBV and roh. I switch back and forth sometime between 5/6 fire and 11/16" ROH. From my understanding, the tolerances are higher for FIRE whereas the tolerances for fbv are super low. If you're not getting your runners cut by extremely experienced and meticulous sharpener like NoIcing, I suggest sticking with FIRE. Your edges have to be close to dead even for a proper FBV cut. Moreover, sparx did a study testing numerous runners and holders. Almost all had some bend to them either due to the runner having a bend, the holder bending the runner, or both. The higher end runners like step having minimal. Even with the slightest bend fbv will lack an edge somewhere down the runner due to the low tolerance. This is why I take my runners out of the holder when sharpening for any grind just cause its very easy with the tuuk edge holders and it eliminates that variable. This is my opinion through my own research. Take it for what its worth, but I suggest you do your own research on fbv, tolerances, bends in runners/holders, ect. If you are going to stick with FBV, I would have no one else but NoIcing sharpen your runners. I tried a couple LHS that I let FBV cut my spare runners when my main set was out at NoIcing. When trying them I would randomly hit the deck cause of no edge. For what its worth, I can get my runner's edges after a Sparx fire cut down to what I believe is two ten-thousandths off when checking them with my HDI.
  7. Just an FYI, even the Step blacksteel gets burrs on my Sparx and any other sharpener for that matter. That was the best advice given, less but more frequent passes = less burrs. I do 3 cycles on the blacksteel after about 5hrs on the ice. I might bump that down to 2 and see what I get. I'll update after next sharpening.
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