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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by dasuchin

  1. I feel like I have a very stupid question. Got the Trues home and now I'm trying to put them on. I have to drop 3 eyelets to even get my foot in them, but then how the hell am I supposed to lace them back up? It wraps around my foot so tightly that there's no room to feed the lace into the eyelet.
  2. Mine randomly came in so I’m sitting here at Pure Hockey getting them baked. They didn’t do the shrink wrap method, just baked them for 15 minutes and letting them cool on my feet after lacing them up. I read things about how they don’t feel like skates and they feel like a sock, that’s really the best way to put it. There’s zero negative space. Let’s hope they fix my issues.
  3. Where was the pain in your FT2s? I'm really hoping these solve my issues when they come in.
  4. I ordered mine with the t-guard tongue so that's how they'll come in and how I'll get them baked. If I order the thin tongue and swap it out myself, do I need to rebake them? Or can I just swap them and go?
  5. Anyone have the tguard tongue and the new thin tongue? How do they feel compared to each other? I ordered my pair with the tguard tongue but I'm thinking about ordering the thin tongue to have as well when I go pick them up.
  6. Well I bit the bullet. Made the 3 hour drive to Pure Hockey on Wednesday, got scanned and ordered. We'll see if it fixes my issues or not soon.
  7. You're probably right. But $1000 is hard to swallow when I don't know if it'll fix my problem or not.
  8. I guess it's possible, but I've never had any foot pain outside of skating.
  9. I've tried Bauer and CCM retail skates. Tried Superfeet and the CCM Curex insoles, still got arch pain. Haven't tried speedplates.
  10. Good to know. That's the first I've heard about the arch. The whole reason I'm considering a pair is because I get crazy arch pain in all the retail skates I've tried.
  11. How custom are Trues, really? I keep reading different information about how they're made. I've found some slightly used ones on sidelineswap that are the same size that I wear in Bauer, just wondering if it's worth giving them a shot for half off retail, or if that's a waste since they're not made for my feet.
  12. I haven't tried any custom skates yet, that's why I'm here trying to figure out if they'd help with arch pain at all or not.
  13. Trying speedplates would be the cheaper option I guess. I'd just hate to spend the money on some Trues and still have arch pain. What did you do to dial them in?
  14. I’m really considering getting a pair of Trues. I’ve been through 4 different retail skates and I can’t rid of pain in my arches, I’ve tried different insoles in each skate as well. Any idea if these would solve my issue? I read about people getting pair if they have abnormalities with their feet, but I don’t recall anyone mentioning pain in their arches in retail skates and then moving to Trues. Just trying to get an idea before I drop this much money on some skates.
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