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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by dasuchin

  1. Give me an update. I like the 75 flex a6.0 ht a lot, but I don't feel like I can get enough flex out of it when I'm using it. Really tempted to try something around 60 or 65 flex but not sure how much of a difference it would really make. If I got an intermediate I'd probably have to get an extension too.
  2. This is really good to know. I got an A6.0 HT for Cyber Monday and I really like it, but I feel like I need to go down in flex from the 75, and that's the lowest they offer in senior.
  3. I haven't tried speed plates. I have some superfeet sitting around that I could try, but I'm betting it'll feel too much like I'm on my toes when skating.
  4. I'll probably request another red insole and give that a shot, I want to get the thin tongue to try anyway. I didn't really notice a difference in volume though.
  5. First actual game in the skates last night and they were fantastic. I took the red insole out on the left skate because I felt like I had too much arch support in that one, but left them in on the right skate. Absolutely zero pain throughout the whole game. That's the first time I've skated through a game and never had any foot pain.
  6. Yeah it'd be great to see pictures. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for either, to be honest. I just feel like the way the t-guard tongue sits will wear down on the eyelet cuff, the plastic rubs against the side of the cuff and when I push it back when lacing it up, it gets caught on the edge of the cuff. So I'm just worried about it wearing that down. I also don't really think I'd have an issue with lace bite in these so I don't see the need for the t-guard. How does it compare in comfort to the normal felt and the t-guard tongue?
  7. That's where I ordered mine from, the Pure Hockey in Dallas. When I asked if they did it they said their oven got hot enough to where they didn't need to do it. The person there didn't seem the most knowledgeable about Trues compared to the guy I originally ordered them through.
  8. I'm interested in checking out the new thin tongue. I can't find anywhere that shows details about the different tongues available though.
  9. What I meant is, now that I have the skate, is there a way to order additional tongues?
  10. Yeah I've seen that. Just figured I'd give it a shot before I cut up the insole. Is there a way to order the thinner tongue? I went with the t-guard but I kind of want to try the thinner tongue. The plastic part on the t-guard tongue rubs up against the eyelet cuff and I'm kind of worried about it wearing it down, it also gets caught on the cuff when I start lacing them up.
  11. Second skate in the Trues today and they feel even better. This time it was a skills and drills class instead of just stick and puck, so I really got to get a feel for them. I had very little arch pain in one skate in the beginning when we were working on edges but it went away as soon as we moved onto other drills. I might try taking out the red insole just in that one skate to see if it makes a difference, but it was still nowhere near as bad as my retail skates have been. Definitely something I can deal with. I also feel like I can skate faster with them, like I'm getting more power out of my stride since there's no negative space in the boot.
  12. Yeah I'll probably try it myself at home after a few games so I can get a feel for them first. Kinda disappointed they didn't do it this way at the store, but it's not worth driving 3 hours to get it done.
  13. Could I put them on and take a heat gun to the sides and then wrap it? Or do I really need to bake the whole skate? I have a gas oven, which I'm sure is a problem, and I don't trust the stores here to do it right. The store I got them from is 3 hours away.
  14. I can see that for sure. But I do get a little heel slippage if I don't tighten them on 3rd and 4th eyelet. I'll skate on them a few more times and maybe do a rebake at home with a heat gun and wrapping it up.
  15. Yeah I just didn't know they were coming in until they called when I was already in town. The store is 3 hours away, I was just going up there for something unrelated. Didn't have the socks I skate in on me. I'll definitely skate in them a few times before I mess with anything else.
  16. Yeah I'm using both insoles right now. I'm kind of wondering if part of it is because I wore thicker socks than I usually play in when I got them baked. Thought about putting them on with the socks I usually wear and just spot molding them with a heat gun, then wrapping it up to tighten it.
  17. Ok first skate and I think I'm sold. Zero pain where I normally have it. I did have some heel slippage, but I think I can just use a lace tightener to crank it down a little more around my ankle and get rid of it. Anyone else use wax laces and have the wax coming off everywhere all over the skate? Since the wrap is so extreme around your foot, it's like the wax flakes off as you lace them up and tighten them.
  18. I feel like I have a very stupid question. Got the Trues home and now I'm trying to put them on. I have to drop 3 eyelets to even get my foot in them, but then how the hell am I supposed to lace them back up? It wraps around my foot so tightly that there's no room to feed the lace into the eyelet.
  19. Mine randomly came in so I’m sitting here at Pure Hockey getting them baked. They didn’t do the shrink wrap method, just baked them for 15 minutes and letting them cool on my feet after lacing them up. I read things about how they don’t feel like skates and they feel like a sock, that’s really the best way to put it. There’s zero negative space. Let’s hope they fix my issues.
  20. Where was the pain in your FT2s? I'm really hoping these solve my issues when they come in.
  21. I ordered mine with the t-guard tongue so that's how they'll come in and how I'll get them baked. If I order the thin tongue and swap it out myself, do I need to rebake them? Or can I just swap them and go?
  22. Anyone have the tguard tongue and the new thin tongue? How do they feel compared to each other? I ordered my pair with the tguard tongue but I'm thinking about ordering the thin tongue to have as well when I go pick them up.
  23. Well I bit the bullet. Made the 3 hour drive to Pure Hockey on Wednesday, got scanned and ordered. We'll see if it fixes my issues or not soon.
  24. You're probably right. But $1000 is hard to swallow when I don't know if it'll fix my problem or not.
  25. I guess it's possible, but I've never had any foot pain outside of skating.
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