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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by raygunpk

  1. Thanks for the pics Gr8erade, you're right it does look like a retail Datsyuk, maybe longer?
  2. cemetery, what's that weird spray coating on the bottom blade? is it like z-tac?
  3. Picked him up late in my pool. How many points do you think he's in the range of this season?
  4. What's the lie on that Kovy stick?
  5. What flex is that one?
  6. that's a sweeeet t-shirt
  7. Maybe that 21 is Forsberg :)
  8. those were SNIPES by Kessel!
  9. nooo anybody but my canucks =(
  10. Whoah those visors look straight outta NHL10. Raze and Sunstorm or something.
  11. They love to change patterns every year for some reason.
  12. So you guys don't allow flexing at all? Even just a tiny bit to test? I'm not talking going all the way full force, but just a tiny flick with the wrists.
  13. Pshh a 13 year old set up a flame fest on MSH, but a 6 year old sent the whole nation in disarray for a few hours.
  14. Do you ever get buyer's remorse?
  15. What's the lie on that?
  16. Do both Sedins use the same curve?
  17. TBL needs a smiley face at the end of each post. =)
  18. Perron was a beast, does that backhand to forehand move so well. Definitely the best of the 3 kids.
  19. The P88 is a closed face, deep mid curve. I meant to ask TBL, who was saying it changed a lot over the years.
  20. How are the P88's different?
  21. Agreed. This is where I stop cheering for the Blues.
  22. Let's hope he looks better than Crosby.
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