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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hidious

  1. "Crithopher Letang a joué près de 10 minutes en première période. David Perron lui souhaite ohhhhhhh...la bienvenue!" :lol:
  2. I doubt you remember me, i'm just the average hockey player you see everywhere. I'm 19, with a black Bauer4000 helmet, straight cut visor, black 8k gloves, easton 1100 skates and mission pants that are too big for me. I especially remember this year in Rock Forest, it was still summer time and we were like 4-5 players only and a goalie. I think i was some kind of bad tester for your new moves that day because i ended up feeling like a damn cone. I'll always remember that. I can't wait to bash him after a bad night! :lol:
  3. Wow, I've been visiting MSH for a year or two now and i just realized today i knew who you guys were.(David and Pascal) I scrimmed with you at the end of the summer in Rock Forest and Magog. I consider myself to be a solid defensemen but i remember being totally outclassed by you guys, especially David. Total humiliation. I could barely see the puck before it was between my legs and in the net. The goalie was pissed of too. I can recognize a good hockey player from the one that looks like one so, back home, i told my dad that i played against an awesome player and that he was better than anyone i had played against so far. My dad just laughted at me and told me there were a lot of good players on earth, and that he could not be THAT good. I was so impressed that i asked some people what his name was and told my dad to remember it. He was like...whatever... He now checks the newspapers everyday and tells me "Hey, Perron scored again... He's the goal leader for Lewsiton and the #4 spot for the draft. Maybe you were right about this guy..." Hell yea i was right. So that was my story, congrats to David, keep up the domination!
  4. Thank god i'm not crazy! Looks like he did not fall in love with them because he went back to his CCMs after the warmup or the first period, i'm not sure. Anyway, i'd buy them if he's not using them. :D Edit: I'm probably wrong about him wearing them in the warmup tonight, i think i just saw this clip from practice just before the game. I wasn't really paying attention.
  5. You're right, he has his regular CCMs. I saw those reeboks only once in the warmup and i'm starting to think i may have some visual or mental issues. Don't bother with me until i can proove my statements. Sorry for wasting your time. <_<
  6. I've just notice Kovalev has some crazy skates tonight. From what i saw, they looked like white 9k's. I'm trying to find a picture, if anybody can help. I've try searching the forums and i really hope i'm not making a fool of myself by bringing up old news. If it's the case, call me every name you want and throw me rocks :) BTW those skates are awesome IMO.
  7. Thanks for your reply whbd. Like i said, i tottaly loved the xv blade, where should i look for something similar feel-like? My guest would be warrior dolomite since the XV was inno made i think. This may not be the appropriate place to ask but i don't feel like starting a thread bout this simple question.
  8. Hmmm i'm wondering if i should spend 40$ in gas and 1h30 on the road for this.... Are sticks usually a lot cheaper than retail?
  9. Hey.....sorry about not asking before but i just noticed this topic... I need a tapered blade and i've been saving my money for a Bauer XV Blade Kovalchuk pattern because nobody has 2005s blade anymore. Am i waiting for nothing? No more blades this year? I loved the XV feel.
  10. WOW, you guys got some nice stuff! Here are mine: Godin SDxt: Great guitar handmade in Québec. Epiphone PR6E Electro Accoustic: Boss MT2 Metal zone, Marshall Jackhammer, Danelectro FabTone:
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