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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Bucky25

  • Birthday 12/01/1980

Profile Information

  • Interests
    hockey, hockey, hockey<br />Golf<br />my three awesome kids
  • Location
    The land of brats, cheese, and beer
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  1. Found an XN10 in my utility room...forgot I had it, probably only used it once, not a mark on it. I was actually going to buy a new stick this weekend too, I guess I'll have to get some gloves instead :)
  2. Good news, you'll see that idiot again...some people are unbelievable.
  3. I think he was saying this is a real vent and that all of the other little things people bitch about in here pale in comparison. My sympathies, thoughts, and prayers to you and yours.
  4. Funny you should mention that. I was just perusing our internal job postings (which are often externally posted) and there is a position in Investments that says "...GMAT of 700 or higher or alternatively SAT of 1600 or higher". I though it very odd since the job would most certainly require an MBA anyway… I do agree with you though 99.99999% (this jobs is the .00001) of the time the score means zip once you’re in. Retake, kick a$$ and don’t worry about it again. Besides I, like some of the previous posters, know a ton of high school “high achievers” who flamed out in college and have menial jobs now. I had an average GPA in high school, above average but not awesome in college and have a better job than most of the people in my HS class.
  5. I just cracked up at my desk...loud. Made my day man...
  6. Finally did my taxes tonight...nice surprise, $2K more than I thought we'd get! I see some new gear in my future :)
  7. Three kids here...4.5, 3, and 2. I'm getting snipped this Spring....not sure how I feel about it but I am sure we are done. Christ I can't wait until I don't have to change anymore diapers!
  8. Good for you...too many parents drop their kids in front of the TV or Video games. Actually I think going on a site to discuss things you're interested in is fine; going on FB, Twitter, etc is also fine...in moderation. The world doesn't need to know if you had corn in your poo or whether the rash on your junk is going to clear up. In the immortal words of Michael Scott "TMI", "I used to say don't go there but that's just...lame" Whew I feel better... Law, I thought of you last Friday after I deflected a shot past my own net...in the future I'm really going to try not to block shots w/ my stick. Hopefully there's a group available for this b/c I do it quite often!
  9. I also think this is a poor reflection of our society in general...that she dumps the dude then updates her FB right away. Enough with the G.D. Facebook already (I'm not a user if you can't tell). She does have a long way to go to catch the clown that updated his profile at the altar. On a side note, what are the odds that a guy like that would rather be on the computer than consummate the marriage....hmmmm. Sorry for the tangent...sucks for your buddy.
  10. Received a 5% cash bonus and got a 3.5% pay increase. Can't complain given the state of the economy and the UE rate. Happy to be employed, even happier that I got a little extra in my stocking this year.
  11. P Diddy special edition...All about the Benjamins baby. But lame comments aside, you better be G.D. good if you're wearing those!
  12. Yes! First thing I thought when I read that comment!
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