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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. my buddy at the LHS mounted mission vanguard (aluminum) chassis to my old custom One90 ice skates....
  2. I just threw up a little in my mouth
  3. nice jersey collection there RadioGaGa. likin the Lapierre jersey.
  4. nice JR love the Mike Grier jersey's :) just found found a couple more gems in the basement closet
  5. I loved bhill12's jersey's so much I got some of my favs together.
  6. nope they are mustang. I have those I my MIA's as well. there great palms.
  7. 1- they are customized Synergy 1500C skates. end of story. 2- doesn't matter anyway if your not a pro you will never where that skate. 3- there ugly.
  8. looks like #11 is Pascal Dupuis who I think has a deal with Easton? They look like the new ones as seen on ePuck I could be wrong... they are the new pro stock version of the Easton Stealth S9 (Dupuis). the skates are probably custom Synergy 1500C's(Robitaille).
  9. these are my gloves and the MIA are the best.
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