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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by truSteh

  1. I finally bought myself some new gear today, just everything new.. everything was to small since I already played in it for over 4 years and grew a lot in that time.. Not all high-end stuff but I only play recreational hockey - Jofa 5K Shoulder Pads - Jofa 4K Elbow Pads - Bauer 2000 gloves - Jofa 5K Shin Guards - Bauer Vapor XXX skates (:D) - CCM 652 Tacks pants Finally found a shop that had a decent amount of gear although I had to drive all the way to Belgium to get it. I'm a happy person :D Edit: Almost forgot, I got a new stick too, camera battery was empty so couldn't take a picture myself Bauer Endure; Pro Flex 102 and blade P106 Jokinen, it's pretty damn light compared to my old stick :D
  2. Why, only girls allowed to do that :P But hitting him while he's on his knees is lame :P
  3. They mean the guy second from the right. With the white skates..
  4. Besides that weird image on the back they look quite nice.
  5. Very nice gear JR. I need to make a picture of my gear..
  6. Well the retail price for the 110XP is 499,99, sells at Epuck for 449,99. So the lower models will be a little below that :P
  7. So basically Missions fit smaller than CCM for example? I have some Externo 16's here size 12, but I still have about 1 CM of lenght between my toe and the front op my skates (if I take the sole out). So if I go with a size 12 Mission they should fit pretty good.
  8. How do Mission ice skates compare to shoes? I've searched on the forums but only found some about inline skates, and I don't know if it goes the same with ice skates (1/2 to full size smaller than shoe size) I'm interested in the Fuel 110 XP skates.
  9. Maybe it's already answered some time, but why doesn't Easton let items be shipped outside the US? Because I'm able to buy Easton here in a hockey shop, but I can't order online because shops don't ship it.. Why o why is that?
  10. Can't wait for this stuff to hit the stores, looks really nice.
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