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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mew1838

  1. Make it to the NHL and play for the sharks so I can watch you! :)
  2. The way the palm looks on those makes it look like you are holding a peeled banana. LoL yeah you are damn right!! :P
  3. But if they hire kids, where is the so called "professionalism guarantee"?
  4. Why must NBH drop a line of skate? CCM and reebok owns 4 lines of skates ( if you count the pump as a line) and I don't see that being a prob. Its just gives people more option. and it's a shame to see a brand like bauer disapear....
  5. Helmet: Itech HC 1501 Shoulder pads: CCM 682 Tacks Elbow Pads: CCM 682 Tacks Shin guard: CCM 682 TAcks Pants: CCM 192 TAcks Skates: CCM Vector Pro Gloves: CCM Vector Pro Stick: CCM Vector 120
  6. I saw white synergies at my LHS today, they are white and abit of blue, I believe it is the 2600 model 700 or 800, not sure sorry :(
  7. We do have some players in Oakland and Berkeley too :D
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