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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About ATLstealth09

  • Birthday 01/24/1991

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  1. Yeah that is very true. The whole point of the Hum'er is to use all 80s. Bigger wheels, bigger contact patch, bigger leverage. If you are using smaller wheels on a Hum'er, you would be better off with the Vanguard, since that has two 80s in the back, instead of all 76s.
  2. Shocking as it may seem, some people may prefer the Hum'er *gasp* over the Vanguard. Blasphemous, I know, but entirely possible. What a ridiculous assumption and pathetic sarcastic comment. Were you trying to be ironically funny by being sarcastic as well? I actually do prefer the Hum'er over the Vanguard.
  3. Those Wicked Lights look nice... My teammate Jake has the green E-Frames, but I didn't think they looked that great. The silver looks a lot better.
  4. I like the holders... that's a job well done. NikeBauer FTW? Well, I guess you have to count those shoulder pads...
  5. Looks fine to me... it's more on the limit of the chassis sizing, but it should do.
  6. Guy, I'm loving this Vapors.
  7. Plus, the logo is cool anyway.
  8. Damn those are sick! Now I wish I had kept a set of E-Frames for myself.
  9. Vapor X by choice? I'd definitely step it up to an XV or XIX. Definitely would be worth it.
  10. Labeda Hum'er 7000 Series Extruded Aluminum Chassis All 80mm Straight Frame OVERALL RATING: 10/10 Other Chassis: Mission Hi-Lo, Nike/Bauer One-Up, Sprung Frames My Stats: 5' 9" 190 lbs, play 5+ times a week. Background: Mounted with Tour's deal for $108, which included return shipping, mounting, the chassis, Labeda Fuzion wheels, and Bevo Abec-7 Bearings. Speed: By far the fastest chassis I have ever used. The big wheels allow for more leverage, hence the greater power, and increased speed. I believed them, and it turned out true. I noticed an instant increase in speed, and after having tried Hi-Lo's again, there is no competition for the Hum'er frames. 10/10 Maneuverability: After adjustments, depending on your adjustment rate, the turning difference that some people claim are no longer noticeable. In fact, I did not feel any to begin with, aside from having a longer wheel base. 10/10 Grip/Stopping: Great control. These chassis can even allow you to use a higher wheel durometer, since they stress each wheel more in the stopping process, the weight and leverage in increased. I had always used X-Soft or Soft Labeda's, and 78A Rink Rats. I could now use 80A Rink Rats without problem. Stopping becomes a simple process with the Hum'ers, as they do, in general, increase the power of all motions. The stopping and in phenomenal, and the grip unsurpassed; no more wheel slip! 10/10 Weight: The chassis has a bit more material than most Hi-Lo's, but it is well worth it's extra weight. Not too much difference, and is easily adjusted to. Hopefully, Labeda will be offering the mounting deal again, and I can get all my skates mounted! 9/10
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