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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Guy Incognito

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About Guy Incognito

  • Birthday 04/16/1976

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  • Interests
    Collision sports.
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  1. Congrats, David. Saw you walking in your "07" jersey with your family after the game heading east on Nationwide Blvd. towards the Hyatt, about a block from the arena. I was going to say something but didn't want to take away from your evening, so here it is: Best of luck with your career, hopefully soon in the NHL. I think I saw JR and Chadd as well, sporting MSH jerseys in O'Shaughnessy's. I was with a bunch of buddies and you guys were leaving, didn't want to yell across the bar. :D Left your number at the office, JR. Plenty of MSH repping! Hope you all liked Columbus...
  2. Awww... no he di-ent!
  3. Nice room, Edge! Nice visor, too. :P
  4. Buyer beware- retail XXXXs aren't high volume EEEs. :)
  5. very nice... I dunno if it's the angle, but that boot looks hella-deep. Maybe I need to go the custom route eventually.... I know you skated in the Supreme 70's previously... what type of foot do you have, if you don't mind I ask? High volume foot low arches. The uppers are a full size bigger. Jason did a good job at EWH. I haven't skated in them yet, but I'll probably do a review after a while for them. TBL, I don't have my camera here- my sister has it- so I can't take pics but the tongues are fairly long. I measured them from the bottom of the felt inside the skate and they're 9 3/4" - 10" long.
  6. Helmet: NBH 4500, Oakley Straight Gloves: Eagle CP94s, red Shoulders: Sherwood 5030s Elbows: Jofa 9980s (I think that's the number) Pants: Easton Air PR Shins: RBK 4Ks Skates: Vapor XXXX's Sticks: Sherwood 9950 Woodies, Leclair curve
  7. New boots (soakers on)...
  8. Have you heard about your tickets yet? I haven't. They're having a 3-on-3 here that weekend for those interested.
  9. The lighting in those shots seem near perfect. They actually look staged.
  10. Helmet- Reebok 8K w/ Chrome Jofa cage (not sure of the model) Shoulders- Sherwood 5030s Elbows- Jofa 9044 Pants- Easton Washington Capitals Pro Return Hockey Pants Shins- Reebok 6k skates- Graf 709s sticks- various Sherwood woodies, Crosby pattern Edit: Gloves- Eagle CP94s (red)
  11. there everywhere? well in windsor at least He speaks just to speak... frequently and rather annoying.
  12. Cool, I'm 6'6" or 6'7"... B)
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