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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About hockeymom

  • Birthday January 15

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    Hockey and Horses!
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    Toronto, ON
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  1. Wish I'd had seats to that game! Friend of mine was working the game on the TV production with the regular Blues' crew. (there are always two crews broadcasting each game - one for each team). He was telling me they all really like David. Nice to hear... those guys (obviously) watch every game. Gotta keep the media on your side!
  2. 1st rule of parenting.... NEVER buy anything without headphones or a mute button... unless it is for someone else's kid
  3. I'm one vehicle away fom something I actually want to drive. Yep, FINALLY ditching the hockey-mum-mobile mini-van this week (woo-hoo) and getting a Mazda3 hatchback. MissD starts driving this summer... and if all goes according to plan, she'll take this car off to university in 3 yrs (If she starts doing her friggin' homework grrrr) and then I'll get a car just for ME.
  4. OMG - the level of detail you guys notice continues to shock and amaze me
  5. I'm on a mac with flip4mac... it also worked fine... It did take awhile to load. Perhaps you're giving up too early on the blank screen that seems to be doing nothing?
  6. Congrats David ~ I think I watched that goal 50 times.
  7. why do they make these price regulations? To protect the price point. If you could buy it anywhere for less, it would no longer be worth $239.
  8. A Player/Parent Joint Review Foot shape: Wider forefoot, narrow heel, flat arch, pronates, wide toe area and oddly angled toes. Coming from: Mission SW (S-series) Usage at time of review: 6 months 4-6 times weekly Fitting Issues: MissD is hard to fit; it is difficult to find a skate that is wide enough in the toe box and mid-foot, narrow enough in the heel and is comfortable in the ankle. She also doesn’t like the feel of a boot that is higher cut. I thought this was just her personal preference, or the difficulty of trying to fit into a skate that had been designed for male feet. Women tend to have wider forefeet, narrow heels and a slightly shallower/lower ankle. I have also recently learned that women’s calves are proportionally lower on their leg compared with men; a higher cut boot may in fact effect her leg movement because of the placement of the tendon guard. Parent Issues: I wanted a skate that had a good chance of lasting two seasons = value for money now that her feet have thankfully stopped growing. She was also working very hard on improving her skating – so I wanted to find a skate that would help her with her edgework and give her a good platform. We spent 6 months researching and trying on virtually every skate in the market (standing in each of them for at least ½ an hour in the store) before getting the ONE90’s Fit: MissD loved these skates the moment she put them on in the store – a first! I credit the instantaneous comfort with the fact that these skates were made on a 3-D last and are built to fit the shape of the foot better right from the get-go. You can see this if you compare them to another skate and look down, the inside is a titch further forward than the outside and also a bit higher. MissD identified a few hot spots that needed to be handled in the baking and breaking in period… primarily the outer edges of her mid-foot. Being ThermoFORMable (rather than just heat-MOLDable) makes it possible to ease the skate wider for the mid-foot and also really lock the heel in well. It did take many skates before these were fully broken in but are now the most comfortable skates she has worn. The larger ankle pocket in these skates fits a wider variety of foot shapes and meant MissD’s ankle was comfortable at last. Did not try the existing insoles – MissD pro-nates and always uses super-feet. Never had a skate fit so well: 10/10 Blade/Holder: We had heel lifts installed and the blades were profiled. The NBH website recommends profiling the one90’s. The holder took a few skates for MissD to adjust to: “They seem higher and felt weird at first, but it is easier to get my edges and I can really lean into these skates without losing an edge” It made a difference in her skating and her starts and transitions are noticeably quicker and easier. Weight: Crazy light. MissD has never been concerned about weight, but I imagine she would notice a huge difference if she tried to go back to a heavier skate. She says: “I don’t notice these skates at all: With other skates, I’d move my skate, with these I move my foot” 10/10 Protection: MissD stops pucks without noticing it at all. 10/10 Durability: After a lot of miles and even falling on the unforgiving surface of a skating treadmill there are only surface scuffs and scrapes. 10/10 Conclusion: Highly responsive skate: “you think move and BAM! You’re there” Although the stiffest skate she has ever worn, it has so much forward flex that it hasn’t been an issue. This is especially surprising because MissD was really afraid of moving into a stiff skate after having the Mission supple-fit. I believe these skates will last 2 seasons, however, they have so exceeded my expectations in a skate that I feel we will have received good value for the money even if they need to be replaced sooner than that. 10/10 This thread shows MissD’s transition into the one90’s: One90 Transition and Profiling
  9. Oh that's too bad. Was it incredibly nerve=wracking to be in a televised game? I can't imagine the excitement and tension.
  10. I'd love to see a pic of David with that trophy!
  11. Thanks for the heads-up Kovy.... there is no way I am going to miss this tonight!!
  12. We'll have at LEAST as many Perron threads as we currently have on Kovalev.
  13. Oh Kovy thanks for posting the link. This is just great! Now I REALLY get why the two of you keep saying "practice, keep practicing, put the time in" Way to go David!! woot, woot
  14. A "Mum-mobile"... shudder, yep the ubiquitous van. Now that D has a metro-pass, I seem to be free of schlepping hordes of kids around; I plan to celebrate next spring and get something that will still fit a hockey bag, but go with my leather pants. LOL
  15. That's great Miike - did your dad shoot this one too? Thanks. My father is my personal videographer (only when i play hockey that is). It's nothing to special since its only being taken with a Sony digicam, but hey, it's not too too bad. Well, you're consistently great - but I must say your dad is really improving! Either that or you're cleaning up his action in post-production! Great vid.
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