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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Ivan

  1. 12 hours ago, JR Boucicaut said:

    Did you get any stretching options?  Also, were there traces involved?

    Nah, no traces. The only options were felt tongue and double stitching in 8.5 CAA. It could be the problem lays in the fact that I quick baked them just once in a by the way fashion. Will try some baking tricks that I know. Hopefully I am not gonna ruin them:)


  2. 18 hours ago, Jason said:

    As far as I have always heard, with Bauer customs a C is a C is a C. However, in my experience (I've had quite a few pairs of custom Bauer skates) the widths are not necessarily what they should be. I tried on a retail Supreme skate in a D width and found it to be just as narrow if not narrower than a C/AA custom. This is after being told that the retail supreme D width is actually an E. How is an E width as narrow as a C width? I have a pretty narrow foot, but nothing freakish. I am currently skating in a Bauer Supreme MX3 Custom in a B/AAA width. I went for the narrowest option that they have. I am pretty happy with my skates. I think I finally got the width I needed, but it took me a while to figure that out. That being said, if the X:60's you tried on were slightly wide in both the forefoot and the heel, then the C/AA should work. No guarantees though. I hope you get the fit you are hoping for.

    Yeah, may wanna go that route. Thank you!

  3. On ‎04‎.‎08‎.‎2013 at 3:58 PM, JR Boucicaut said:

    A is standard

    AA is narrower

    B is wide

    Vapor skates are a true last, so a retail D is a true D.

    Retail Vapor is DA and EEB

    Retail Supreme D is E/A and EE is EEE/B

    Retail Nexus D is EE/A and EE is EEEE/B

    My custom Supremes in C/AA don't feel or even look like they are in a C width.

    If retail 2009 :) Vapor X:60 in a D width are too wide for me is it safe to assume that the X1 in a C width with AA heel will work for me? Width is pretty much the only change I will need in customs. Can't be fitted by a specialist as I'm currently overseas.


  4. The dressing system uses long bits with the shape in it. Doesn't use spinners. I have a pic of the dressing bits, but don't remember my photobucket password and that's only way to post it on this board. Perhaps I can get it up later.

    The Swede's aren't real good at details. Magnus Erikson however, explained to me that they tested the FBV in Europe and their players didn't really notice much difference, primarily because most of them are skating in the 3/4-1" hollow range. He said the FBV also lost an edge too easy for them. Said it worked well for skaters who were on deeper hollows but it really wasn't suitable for the average European player. Since that's their primary market, that's why they developed the Channel... to get more speed but not lose edges.

    So far for now we all will have to guess (as we did for the FBV) until we can skate on it and compare it to the other methods. It may have it's niche, so why not another option. It's good for hockey.

    It may be well for hockey, I agree. Yet, it's kinda hard for me to agree that European players use shallower hollows.

    At least the majority of players request 1/2 ROH from me or 100/50 FBV. 100/75 FBV appears to be having too much edge for most here.

    Initially I did think that Prosharp uses a spinner of their own. My bad.

  5. I think I am getting closer to making a perfect run.

    Started using the Ruby after I mulched the Orange wheel.....much smoooother. It seems to dress easier and it seems to leave a better finish than the orange wheel.

    I need some potinters on what to fix - I am using the HDI to measure

    The heel of the blade is out of balance the most. As it gets to the center it gets better and near the front of the blade it is perfect.

    Any suggestions on what to fix or tinker with?


    I assume you do witness marks, don't you?

  6. Thanks Solar Wind.

    I think what I will do is actually try the FBV for myself as I have not. As for cost it is the cheapest sharpen i have found. $4.00. I have to travel a little to get there buit it is usually a stoop on my way home from work. i am planning on getting my own portable sharpener this fall but have yet to decide on what to get. Skatepal or Blackstone(FBV) I like the idea of the Skatepal only because it says it will give you the same sharpen everytime. Still undecided.

    I wouldn't get Prosharp's Skatepal if I were you. You'll be much happier with an X0 series machine. Learning how to shrpen is not that difficult.

  7. Below is an e-mail message from Blackstone that I got:


    To all of you who purchased an upgraded X-12 or X-12-Youth skate holder for your X-series machines....we now have a calibration block available for sale!

    This calibration block will allow you to easily re-calibrate your holder. At any time, you can dial in the holder to its original setting! Simply insert the block between the lower and upper base plates at the three adjustment points. Dial up or down accordingly, until the two plates come in contact with the calibration block!

    The calibration block will be available for sale by the end of March at a price of $15.00


    Gerard Hebert

    Black Stone Sports



  8. How exactly do they dress the wheel with that shape?

    Ivan me w/ your e-mail by PM and I will forward you the spam I got from Prossharp.

    I am a little biased here. Like I said in my previous post - time will show. The way I see it, nobody but Blackstone came up with a new concept that does wok. The rest of the folks have no choice but to try to fit in. It's all about the market share. The truth is that nobody ever thought about this until Blackstone came up with the FBV. I am not saying that FBV is gonna be the best. There's no limit to perfection. Again, time willl show. Yet ya'lll get the point.

  9. Neither the dressing system or shape is anything similar to the FBV. No copyright infringement at all.

    I've been talking to Prosharp for quite some time about the Z and it sounds interesting and it has been tested pretty well in Sweden and by prosharp in Canada. I should be set up to do it in 2 weeks or so, after a few delays, my equipment has been shipped from Sweden. After we do the blind testing we'll see how it compares to the FBV. The FBV is going to be hard to beat for sure.

    I'd disagee. The trend has been set by Blackstone. Time will show.

  10. Here we go: first Blademaster (those guys seem to have shut up some). Now these folks - Prosharp



    I'm sure this is something Blackstone Sports have taken into consideration before bringing the FBV to the market.

    Too bad the end users (IMO) are the ones who are going to suffer as all this will require fighting patent infringements.

    The price the inventor has to pay for the innovation that does work...

  11. Thanks for all the comments and advice. As one poster said it's difficult when you have never sharpened skates before. I am good with my hands and have always been a do-it-myself kinda guy. Still bothers me that they would sell a product at all that they have had complaints about (salesman admitted it right up front). Makes me worry about customer service after the sale. I know there are a bunch of Blackstone employees here so you may want to consider the message the sales people give when they basically come out and say (almost exactly) you'll regret it if you don't order the upgrade. WIth the upgrade it makes it 15% more expensive than the wissota which is a direct drive motor. The wissota holder while admittedly looking a bit home-made also looks very sturdy and adjustable. My parents live in Minnesota so maybe i'll just fly up to visit and take a look in person. Thanks for all the help.


    Nah, not a bunch of Blackstone employees here. First of all, Blackstone Sports is not a big company with lots of employees.

    But you sure will find a lot of believers in Blackstone's Spinner, and especially FBV, here. That's different.

    When I was buying my professional machine, they wouldn't blackmouth the competition making it clear it's not their style. I also was told they take pride in customer service. It's been almost 2 yrs. now since I bought my Black sharpener. No problems with after sale customer service at all. Just had to ask a general question to be on the safe side (needed to tighten the belt on my professional Spinner). The Blackstone person was very quick to respond and he also followed up to make sure everything was OK). I'm an ex Dell employee. Dell trains ALL their employees 2-3 times per month to make sure you know the new products and give the best possible customer service. Of course, the human factor is involved here (work ethics and stuff). Trust me, Blackstone folks do fulfill your expectations and stay up to par w/ customer service. Before or after sale. And that's when I'm sure they're EXTREMELY busy with lots of things going on like their competition trying to infringe, promo campaigning, etc.

    PS: MInnesota is a great state

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