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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Ivan

  1. Don't worry guys this is the part that sepperates skate sharpeners. stop using the back pitch knob and just use the two front adjustment knobs to make the holder go up and down. Another tip is the center of the wheel is not necessarily what you are lining up to. You need to line up to the apex of the radius of the dresser. The only way to do this is to sharpen the skate use the guage that tells you how much your off or on, and make the appropriate adjustments. It is a learning curve and it won't take long before you are doing it in your sleep.

    Finding this to be very true. Been experimenting with a pair of lower end skates from my stock before sharpening my One95s. Played a drop in game earlier today on 90/75, WOW! The difference is VERY noticeable.

    Quite pleased with my sharpening skills too. On my sharpener it's easy. The only thing that seems to remain to to be worked on is the final polishing pass with either Lube Tube or Fine Shine. Visually it looks like I'm getting better polishing results with regular spinners. Actually, with regular spinners polishing seems to be perfect. But I've been using only one kind of grinding wheel (I have a regular portable spinner sharpener,(not X0-1 or X0-2). The grinding wheel I'm using is Blackstone Black Walnut. Maybe I should play with other wheels. Any advice here Steve?


    Now seem to be getting better results with Lube Tube. Nice mirror finish and excellent glude and cornering.

  2. Don't worry guys this is the part that sepperates skate sharpeners. stop using the back pitch knob and just use the two front adjustment knobs to make the holder go up and down. Another tip is the center of the wheel is not necessarily what you are lining up to. You need to line up to the apex of the radius of the dresser. The only way to do this is to sharpen the skate use the guage that tells you how much your off or on, and make the appropriate adjustments. It is a learning curve and it won't take long before you are doing it in your sleep.

    Finding this to be very true. Been experimenting with a pair of lower end skates from my stock before sharpening my One95s. Played a drop in game earlier today on 90/75, WOW! The difference is VERY noticeable.

    Quite pleased with my sharpening skills too. On my sharpener it's easy. The only thing that seems to remain to to be worked on is the final polishing pass with either Lube Tube or Fine Shine. Visually it looks like I'm getting better polishing results with regular spinners. Actually, with regular spinners polishing seems to be perfect. But I've been using only one kind of grinding wheel (I have a regular portable spinner sharpener,(not X0-1 or X0-2). The grinding wheel I'm using is Blackstone Black Walnut. Maybe I should play with other wheels. Any advice here Steve?


  3. The FBV really is incredable. SAK can confirm how dissapointed I was with

    the original spinner system to the point that I ordered the diamond dresser

    system to replace the spinner on our stealth. Steve talked me into trying

    the FBV before switching, thank god. We do on average 300 pr a week and

    our serious hockey customers just love the FBV. We have the number 1 rated

    cjahl team in the country, salmon arm silverbacks, and they love this sharpening.

    Thank you Blackstone for making my job so much more enjoyable.

    What hollow FBVs did you get and and which ones you use most?


    100-75 is the most popular by far Ivan

    Appreciate it, Cano!

  4. With consistency issues since my local shop closed... I finally decided I too, would go wth No Icing Sports and as an added bonus, try out the FBV sharpening. I got way too eager and made the drive up to No Icing from Quincy, MA (a straight-shot, nice drive).. Bob was amazing. He went over my Skater Profile with me, and explained every single recommendation in detail. So we went with an 8ft/13ft compound radius, and my usual 9/16, only in the FBV variety. I got to skate tonight, and like everyone else... wow. The glide was unreal, and like a few others have mentioned- my turns really, really "crunch"... the only issue is I had a hard time stopping... just way too much bite for me. I'm going to give them a little more time on Thursday... but I think I'd have to go a tad shallower if I'm sticking with the FBV sharpenings... The compound radius made such a difference, I've noticed a lot less soreness in my bad knee and lower back.

    Are any of you other guys having issues stopping with the extra bite the FBV offers? Or do I moan that bad?! haha..

    I did on 100/75. Will try to go 90/75, or even 80/75 (I think I have that dresser) next time.

  5. The FBV really is incredable. SAK can confirm how dissapointed I was with

    the original spinner system to the point that I ordered the diamond dresser

    system to replace the spinner on our stealth. Steve talked me into trying

    the FBV before switching, thank god. We do on average 300 pr a week and

    our serious hockey customers just love the FBV. We have the number 1 rated

    cjahl team in the country, salmon arm silverbacks, and they love this sharpening.

    Thank you Blackstone for making my job so much more enjoyable.

    What hollow FBVs did you get and and which ones you use most?


  6. Vlad -

    We have to work at it because we are used to the standard machines - it will take a bit.

    Ummm, I 'm still a novice in sharpening. :D Yet, the Turbo Spinner portable that I have has been very easy to figure things out (with the regular spinner dresser) - sharp even edges and neat smooth finish

    Today I tried the 90/75 FBV. The spinner dressers (even the regular non -FBV ones (on my machine) seem to be a hair off in terms of alignment to the wheel (that's what I think judging by the wear line on the dresser). I didn't spend much time trying to play with one of the edges by adjusting the holder. I just clamped the skate the other way around and was done. Sharp even edges and smooth finish. I haven't skated on them yet, though. But looks very good so far.

    • Like 1

  7. Tried the 100/75 on my new One95s. Unbelievable glide, turns. Except for stoping:) Will try 90/75 next skate (new rink, softer ice).

    One thing I've noticed is that for some reason it's sorta hard to polish the blade either with Lube Tube or Fine Shine as well as when I use the regular spinner dresser. The finish before the final pass s just a little bit on the rogh side. I wonder if the lower speed of my Turbo Spinner (4100 rpm) (I don't own an XO1 or X02) or the kind of grinding wheel (Blactone Black Walnut) is the cause. Don't have that problem with regular spinner dressers with the above grinding wheel. I tend to think it's the grinding wheel. Will try a different wheel and a 90/75 FBV

    Any comments reg. the above will be appreciated

    Skated on FBV 100/75 for the first time today...........unbelievable glide.....they did not dissapoint as I was gliding MUCH faster than usual.....got to alot more pucks and I felt less fatigue as you can coast more......skated for a hour so havent really experimented yet but I can confirm the glide is unreal.........very smooth

    How was your stopping?

  8. Personal preference.

    You mind my asking based on what in your case?

    I like to have more control over the toe and I can ease off the heel.

    There is only ONE skate that I sharpen toe in, and that is any CCM or RBK LEFT skate. The holder design hits the base of the yoke on the holder and tilts it.

    Appreciate it, JR. Sure useful for me to know.

  9. Got my X02 today - took a bit to get used to because I am coming from full machines - called Blackstone a couple of times at the risk of sounding like an idiot LOL...


    But I just did a few sets of spare holders I had in the garage and I'm starting to dial it in really good. Sharpens with ease and once I harness it and get some supplies, the finish is going to be amazing.

    JR, I noticed that you clamp the holder the opposite way vs. Blackstone video. Any reason for that?


  10. All of you older Blackstone owners/users (not X01 and X02), which one of these grinding wheel would you recommend and why?


    I do mainly hockey skates of all ranges on this spinner portable http://blackstonesport.com/spinner_portabl...ing_machine.php

    kindly customized for me by Blackstone by making a turbo version out of it.

    Thank you

    PS: Great machine, great folks and great customer service

    PPS: Special thanks to JR for his insights and advice

  11. ok, cool. Did you have to request it because I don't see it listed for the Replacement Mini Spinners under the accessories tab?

    Mine is not a mini. It's a hybrid of the regular portale spinner and the turbo motor. This thing rocks. But will sure get a mini XO2 once it's available in European voltage for my other location

  12. I'm glad it is working out for you guys we are having as much fun as you. It is great to see new players to NHL guys "lit up" over a simple skate sharpening procedure. The University that is doing the study is also quite impressed with the results that it is producing. I am exceted to get some of the results back so that I can share them and make it so that it is in simple terms so we can all understand what is going on with the fbv, other than it works great. I know I get a kick out of watching my kids do things that I have not seen them do before, yesterday one of the parents said that they have never seen my son skate so fast. I just smiled and said thank you but inside I was thinking "if you only new!"

    Neat: http://www.epinions.com/msg/sec_~forums/sh...316/pp_~4#posts

    Look at the last post there

    You didn't give me creit for

    "$47.50 for 200 pairs of skates


    $77.50 for 600+ pairs of skates"

    It's copyrighted:)

    If seriously, these thing are cool indeed. I bought a Blackstone Portable Turbo Spinner last summer. Best sharpening in Ukraine now! Have Pro guys line down dayly...And I don't even have much experience in sharpening.

    I have so many teams ask me to get them team portables. I just hold my fingers oin hope that Steve gives me the distribution rights for Ukraine and Russia.. Blademaster has a bunch of distributors in Europe, that's why they may be ahead in numbers. But Blackstone Spinner System sure kicks butt!

  13. I'm glad it is working out for you guys we are having as much fun as you. It is great to see new players to NHL guys "lit up" over a simple skate sharpening procedure. The University that is doing the study is also quite impressed with the results that it is producing. I am exceted to get some of the results back so that I can share them and make it so that it is in simple terms so we can all understand what is going on with the fbv, other than it works great. I know I get a kick out of watching my kids do things that I have not seen them do before, yesterday one of the parents said that they have never seen my son skate so fast. I just smiled and said thank you but inside I was thinking "if you only new!"

    Neat: http://www.epinions.com/msg/sec_~forums/sh...316/pp_~4#posts

    Look at the last post there

  14. Disrespectful people piss me off. You greet them with a smile and they expect you to cater to their every whim. I've had people litterally throw their skates at me and walk out. In other word "please sir, could you give me a sharpening?" I only have one grip. About a month ago a lady from out of town brings in her son's XXX Lite. It's broken at the handel and she starts ripping me to shreads. Note that I've only been working for about 5 minutes, I took over for one of my co-workers. She's screaming at me to refund her money or give her a brand new stick. I told her that we can't refund her money or give her a new stick it's up to her to deal with Bauer. She flips a lid and screamed that her kid used it 2 shifts, which it looked brand new, not a mark on it cept a crack like


    ____\_____ Just below the handel. The thing is she said it just broke out of the blue. The kid is a left haded shot and the crack was broken inward. there is no way not even on a shot could that stick have been broke inward for a left handed shot. It looked like he had taken a puck right in the shaft or had cross checked someone really hard. I told her she has to send it back. She threatened me that she was just going to take one off the rack and I told her to get ready for a free ride in a police car. After arguing my manager came in and what does he do? He gives her a new one. My manager is a softie and won't stick up to anyone. I mean if it was someone from town we always dealt with I'd have no problem with him giving her a new stick but this lady was whacked.

    Actually sticks do break inwards. At least shafts. Broke my Easton Z-Bubble shaft 85 flex that way a few years back when doing a slapshot. Could get it how it happened but it did. Larry's Sports Shop has no problem exchanging it even though they they're in Canada and I was in the States back then.

    I guess the lady in your case shouldn't have b1tched at you. That automatically set you up not to want to help her. And then it makes you feel like crap when in your mind you feel a strong NO, and then when the issue is escalated to your manager, he says here you go! to the customer.

    I think personal feelings aside you shoulda exchanged the stick for the b., I mean lady. That's why the sticks have warranties and the store is covered. Part of doing business if there is shipping cost loss involved. But again, she should have been nice.

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