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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Those of you who feel the MIA gloves are overpriced, I understand that, but I will say they are the best gloves Ive ever owned.
  2. rbks are pro stocks.
  3. My bad, check the sell section. The reason I mentioned that primarily though is because I know people get offers for their gloves, and I wanted to note that the only pair I am selling are the black CCMs.
  4. Thanks, asked MIA to black out their logo for me. Got em right before Warrior came in.
  5. I got em from EWH, but if you do a custom order from Bauer, you may be able to request them.
  6. The gloves on the top left are custom MIAs. The CCM black gloves are on ebay. This is the first time I posted pics so bear with me.
  7. Hey guys, this is mine and my bros stuff, I wish I could claim it all. The one90s are pro stock, the back of the skate has a solid back (the stock one90 had the back piece that flexed, I ordered the one that is solid because I heard they fell apart) The Vectors are pro stock and are on ebay. The CCM Pro stock gloves are on ebay too. The black gloves on the top left are custom MIAs. And this is the first time Ive posted pics so bear with me.
  8. This is definetely a tough topic and I can see both sides as a consumer. One thing I have noticed is that some LHS' are becoming very specialized, offering primarily custom equipment that you cannot get online, or if you can, only rarely.
  9. Did you know there are companies that specialize in fixing one-piece sticks for about 40-50. They are supposedly pretty nearly perfect after being repaired...
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