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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by pwrfwd26

  1. DP even when you play the team I follow ( San Jose Sharks) I still pull for you. You have become one of my favorite players. Keep it up! G
  2. Mack what would it cost to get the O.Nolan zcarb? If you would part with it.
  3. I swear I saw someone on San Jose last year with them on G35's. I want to say Vlasic. Looked briefly on getty but couldnt find anything. don't know if the 2 still are with the t blade this yr
  4. update: :o skates-bauer vapor xxx gloves-nike bauer one70 and the latest bauer vapor xxx n. horton prostock stick- one90 shaft w/ easton st blade heatley curve
  5. mike the skates look f-ing sick! price?
  6. I used to rock a '99 Electron Blue Pearl Civic Si. God I miss that car :( thats the one i wanted ! :D
  7. skates: nike v12 shin pads: itech 655 shoulder pads: itech 655 helmet: bauer hh8000 gloves: easton synergy 700 pants: nike bauer xx lites elbow pads: easton stealth s9 visor: oakley (the real narrow one) sticks: easton synthesis, easton ultra lite, easton cyclone blades: easton sakic sythesis, easton heatley synergy II, bauer xv p9 gagne
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