I have had many others that I have sold or thrown out, but these are in use. Some for concrete as they aren't so good. Some I use only when I play goalie, as I am not a goalie and only fill in, so the older ones are usually for that. The D-Limited's fall into this catagory, and are soon to be thrown out, as the boot is quite broke down. The chassis' are still great so I may store them just to have a back up chassis. These are also used by myself, wife, 13 yr old, and 4 yr old, so there are 4 skaters on both ice and inline. To be fair a vast majority are mine, but the girls pairs are in there. We all play on more than 1 ice and roller team, as well as some pick up here and there. I can't honestly say they are needed, but when ordering a set of $80.00 wheels how can I pass up $600.00 skates for $135.00 for the 10k's or $95.00 for the 9500's, or $125.00 for the S500's...on and on and on. I'm on MSH, I'm a gear whore, obviously a real skate whore. I won't post my sticks, 'cause I'm quite the stick whore also...