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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by salla5

  1. Juniors, Sophmores, Freshman, and 8th graders. The graduated seniors can't play so the upcoming freshman (8th graders) get to play. So you can classify the juniors as a senior.
  2. A few pics from the summer high school league im in. Jerseys were free so nothing to special. Just from a local hockey shop. But can't complain they're free.
  3. Nice skates cityofwalrus. Like the dye job.
  4. tell me about it. a few years ago our team president ordered our gloves and got yellow and blue instead of navy and gold. so the gloves look so ugly with our gold jerseys and dont even match. so pretty much pointless.
  5. Sorry bout the quality, camera's gone. Had to use my phone. Newish 10.0's Bauer 5500 Vector 6.5's XXXX Malkin, SE Forsberg, One 90/Syn II blade Forsberg Just picked up today. Would say a nice birthday present.
  6. Haha. Nice gear though. I really like the V-hex.
  7. I like the matchbox sheet the best. haha :P
  8. Those are nice. But would be even better in nylon. Still, nice pickup.
  9. Those gloves are niceee. How much?
  10. 2 of the twigs. SE's from januaryish, and just added the SL 2 piece from a friend. Synergy II blade in the SL. Forsberg Curve on both.
  11. Nothin' too special. Helmet- http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m189/Sc...rent=helmet.jpg Skates, Gloves, Stick- http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m189/Sc...skatesstick.jpg Glove close up- http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m189/Sc...lovecloseup.jpg Glove front- http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m189/Sc...rrent=glove.jpg Stick- http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m189/Sc...rrent=stick.jpg Skates- http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m189/Sc...katecloseup.jpg Forsberg Curve- http://s104.photobucket.com/albums/m189/Sc...=stickcurve.jpg
  12. Helmet: Bauer 5000 w/ bauer cage Skates: CCM vector 6.5 Shoulders: RBK 6k Shins: Easton Synergy 300 Elbows: RBK 7k Pants: Winnwell comp XT Gloves: Eagle x70 custom Sticks: Easton Synergy II w/ synergy II blade (forsberg)
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