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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About mills

  • Birthday 02/08/1991

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hockey, chicks, golf, wakeboarding, snowboarding, snowmobiling, jetskiing, snowskating, hunting, fishing, and various other shenanigans
  • Location
    Jamestown, ND

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  1. What exactly is the difference between the X72i and the PPFi? I assume they're both 13", but fit-wise, which is narrower?
  2. Yeah, they're from different locations. Danvers: Medford: Nashua: Warwick:
  3. Oh my bad. I'm not a fan of Hockey Life at all. Sure they look great and all but I'm not a fan of their glove or protective selection. Pure Hockey does look like heaven to me though.
  4. Those are from a mix of locations; from Braintree, Danver, Medford, and Warwick.
  5. Their glove selection blows monkey nuts too. . .at least on their website. Any definate answers on that last picture? Are they XV's, XX's, or XXX's?
  6. So I was looking through the photos of the different locations of Pure Hockey and noticed all the sweet custom gloves but they're small and crappy so I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at. Anyone live near one that can check them out for me? I'm looking for a white (or light gray)/royal blue combo
  7. Do you think those 4-rolls would get ronchy in the white section after a few months?
  8. How will the checkered pattern work out with the Id program? Will they be allowed to alter the colors of the carbon fiber to match the X?
  9. I've been away for a while and I'm sorry for wasting your time if this has been mentioned somewhere; but, I recall JR "hinting" at some Vapor XXXX gloves. I'm in the need for a new pair and I was wondering if there's any truth to this (or any pictures).
  10. because im sure he typed that out twice on purpose. Thrice.
  11. I think he might have put something on it. I have the plastic used on boards and it doesn't slide as nicely as that. I've been looking around for something to rub on to make it a little more slippery but no success thus far :(
  12. Best sponsors in the world= MODERN WOODMEN
  13. I'd officially give my left nut for a pair of St. Louis's Vapor XXX Gloves..if they fit me of course
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