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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Sande

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    Sande Hockey

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  1. yes we will be adding a custom pant program!!!
  2. yes we have sande pants max 980 pant and it is available. we will be introducing to retail this year
  3. We were announcing the launch of our COMPLETE CUSTOM PROGRAM Again. sorry if there was confusion from the last message.
  4. Hey guy good new from us. Just a quick note to let you know that by WED March 23/05. Wanted to let you know so you can spread the word. We do like to support any shops that carry our gear, HOWEVER, and ONLY however, if there are no shops within a reasonable distance to you we can help you out. If you cannot find a shop we can help you locate one near you. Contact me for any inquiries. Custom sheet are also availbe via email.
  5. it was one of our stick when we were were distributing them. that is the only one we have left
  6. Suggested retail for Max Pro USD is $ 149-159 36" glove is Left Hand ONLY and is249.00 USD
  7. we get a ton of people asking to buy those display gloves, i will have to start selling them...
  8. hey guys we can help you now no need to worry about your local hockey shop. we will support our dealers but you can deal with us direct, we will get you what you want fairly quickly. our new site will launch sometime in september about the15th is our goal and there are many new gloves coming we will have 8 models and a full customization section... email me if you need gloves sooner than that.
  9. just to let you know we are dealing direct on all custom orders now... hope this helps guys. thanks
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