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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Dare to Dream 1980

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Everything posted by Dare to Dream 1980

  1. Playing AAA i was expecting a lot of kids to make the transition to the X:60's i was wrong.. there have only been 4 kids and not one of them has been happy with the skates so far.. I don't know why.. it'll probably just be the breaking in process but we'll see.. other guys i know went back to XXXX's, one found a pair of XXX and another to one95... some that has these tell me why theyre turning people off?
  2. OK so I am very frustrated unlike all of you...I currently am a C width and have to find a pair of pro-stock C widths which could take awhile. What exactly happens when you get custom skates? Could this be an overall better choice for me if it's available for my problem? I am very frustrated because my one90's just are a mess and I'm in need of new skates. I have looked into the one95's, but i was also in love with my XXX's while I had them. So what happens when u custom order a skate? thanks and i'm sorry i am getting a bit off topic here
  3. My current equipment is: Skates-One90's and XXXX Sticks-2 Easton Stealths from '07 Pants-NBH supreme 70's Elbow pads-easton synergey 700 Shoulder-NBH supreme 70s Shin pads-NBH supreme 70s Helment-BLK mission intake and BLK NBH 5500 Gloves-NBH BLK PRO 4 ROLL I WOULD POST PICS BUT I SUCK AT UPLOADING THEM ONTO HERE LOL IM SORRY
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