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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Ah, that would be helpful information. I'm located in the southeastern U.S.
  2. Planning on mounting an old Red Star E-Frame I have to either my pair of 8090s or One90s. Can anyone recommend a shop/person who does quality work at a fair price that I can mail these to? I unfortunately don't have a local store and am too scared to try to do a conversion myself.
  3. :lol: You better hope so!
  4. Where did you get those gems? Beautiful. What kind of palms? Biodry liners?
  5. :lol: I recall that this isn't the first time you've had to defend the matchbox blanket...
  6. Where'd you get those wheels? I love them but they don't make them any more.
  7. LOL. I don't really have another $30 to spend on equipment right now anyway.
  8. I need an XL, oh well. I can't get over how cool they are though.
  9. Wow! Are those even out yet? I haven't ever seen them. Those are sweet! I just bought some Sher-Wood Traditionals. Wish I could get some of those bad boys!
  10. To each his own I guess. I've never understood some people's obsession with white skates.
  11. Either you are lying, the guy that offered that much money is retarded, or you are retarded. C'mon... $700? I would take that in a heartbeat. Anybody would.
  12. Can anyone recommend a good shop that I can send my skates to get converted? Planning on putting some e-frames on a pair of graf 709s.
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