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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Clark12

  1. Those Easton Gloves are lovely!!
  2. A 80,80,76,72 setup on the hummer is the only combination other than all 80s where all the wheels touch the ground. They they dont touch by much, but they all defintely touch. Never thought of that, could go a long way to explaining me slipping more frequently when stopping. I actually find it alot easier to pivot with 72-76-80-80 than I did with an all 80 set-up. I understand that my setup may not be everyones cup of tea but Im comfortable skating with it and I think at the end of the day thats all that really matters.
  3. Not really. I have noticed a slight lean due to previously using an all 80 set-up but I cant say Ive noticed anything out of the ordinary. A friend who has the same setup as me was speaking to a Tour rep recently and he actually said that the Hummer chassis is designed to use either a 80-80-80-80 setup or a 72-76-80-80 setup so it can't that unusual.
  4. RBK 5k Ice Skates Labeda Hummer Chassis Labeda Genesis Wheels in 72-76-80-80 setup BSB 688 Micro Bearings
  5. Wasn't fussed on RBKs line of inline skates myself but as you can see from the other post Im really pleased with the conversion. You can see them in the flesh at the next round of NIIHA league games.
  6. Gone them done at The Hockey Locker by Glover. Cost me £200 for the 5k skate and around another £60 for the wheels and bearings. The chassis came from my old Tour skates. See this post for more info Eddy
  7. Thanks. They are Ottawa Senators Pro Return gloves that I got from Ebay. There is a number 27 on the palm. Peter Schafers perhaps?
  8. RBK 8K with Hejduk Straight Cut Visor & Nike 4000 with tinted Itech HS22 Aviator Visor Bauer Supreme shoulder pads, Bauer Vapor 4 Shorts & Mission D1 Girdle RBK 3K Elbow Pads, Jofa 7500 leg pads & CCM Pro Stock Gloves RBK 5k converted inline skates & Bauer Sumpreme 6000 ice skates TPS Response, Nash Curve Easton Synergy Si-Core, Iginla Curve CCM Vector Shaft with CCM blade, Curve #11 Easton Synthesis with Easton Synergy 2 blade, Iginla Curve Also have a pair of Bauer Vapor XV gloves, a black Nike 4000 helmet with a CCM cage on it, two broken visors (a Crosby style Oakley one & a clear Itech HS22), Bauer Mega 30-50 inline skates & Tour Blue Max skates with no chassis on them.
  9. Me playing at NARCh European Championships in Oct Warming up our goalie at NARCh Our Team Photo (im back row, 3rd from left)
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