RBK 8K with Hejduk Straight Cut Visor & Nike 4000 with tinted Itech HS22 Aviator Visor Bauer Supreme shoulder pads, Bauer Vapor 4 Shorts & Mission D1 Girdle RBK 3K Elbow Pads, Jofa 7500 leg pads & CCM Pro Stock Gloves RBK 5k converted inline skates & Bauer Sumpreme 6000 ice skates TPS Response, Nash Curve Easton Synergy Si-Core, Iginla Curve CCM Vector Shaft with CCM blade, Curve #11 Easton Synthesis with Easton Synergy 2 blade, Iginla Curve Also have a pair of Bauer Vapor XV gloves, a black Nike 4000 helmet with a CCM cage on it, two broken visors (a Crosby style Oakley one & a clear Itech HS22), Bauer Mega 30-50 inline skates & Tour Blue Max skates with no chassis on them.